My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3353 A treasure that holds the clan in each hand of 3353?

"Well, actually I'm just a beginner and have never used it before, otherwise I would have succeeded with my incredible qualifications." Tang Junhou himself felt embarrassed and explained shamelessly.

cut! Everyone turned their heads in disapproval at the same time. You are just starting out, aren’t you Fenghua? Others succeed once, but you, with your ever-changing techniques, will probably get the same result hundreds of thousands of times after practicing it. You still have the nerve to say you have incredible aptitude, but you are almost as stupid as hell.

There was another flash of divine light on the compass, and the pointer stopped, pointing to the vast mountains on the opposite side. Obviously, that was the direction in which the roe owl was escaping.

"Found it, let's chase it!" Luo Enen cheered up and shouted loudly.

"Wait a minute, this is just one of them, there is another one." Tang Junhou said and took out another identical compass.

But this time I didn't have the nerve to embarrass myself, so I handed it to Gu Fenghua directly.

"Don't you think this is the treasure of the sect? Why are there two of them?" Luo Enen was startled.

"Who said you can't have two sect-suppressing treasures? In our Yelang Sect, each person has one, but the quality is slightly different. My master's and I's are the best, and others' are much different. Of course. This is normal. My master is the sect master and I am the young sect master. If there is a good one, of course we must use it first, right? Of course, even if I am not the young sect master, if there is a good one, we must use it first. Otherwise, how can we be worthy of it? My defiance..." Tang Junhou showed off his pride again.

Uh... Luo Enen and others retched at the same time. You have the nerve to bemoan your ancestral treasure, a cheap commodity that everyone has, and please stop mentioning your incredible qualifications. It’s really disgusting.

Tang Junhou's nonsense was not a waste of time, because Gu Fenghua didn't listen to what he was saying at all. As soon as he took the Ghost Chou Soul Chasing Plate, he immediately made his fingerprints. The runes flashed and the pointer whirled. After a moment, it stopped and pointed to the opposite side. The direction of the mountains is very different from that of the other Gui Qiu Soul Chasing Pan.

The roe deer owl was indeed cunning and spread out again! Fortunately, there is the Ghost Sorrow Chasing Tray of Yelang Sect, otherwise even if one of them is lucky enough to be found, the other one will be able to escape smoothly. Gu Fenghua and others secretly sighed.

"Fenghua, let's work separately. I'll be responsible for hunting down one, and you, Yun Ji, and the others will hunt down the other one." Mo Qingqiu took a Ghost Sorrow Soul Chasing Tray and said to Gu Fenghua.

Anyway, this "Treasure of Zongzong" was only available to everyone in Yelang Sect, so he was too lazy to be polite to Tang Junhou.

"Fortunately, this ferocious beast was forced to self-destruct by Fenghua's sword, which greatly damaged its strength and failed to break through the city protection barrier. Otherwise, I might not have been able to hurt them just now. Now they are seriously injured and will not escape. It's too fast, as long as you don't give it a chance to breathe, it shouldn't be difficult to kill it with your strength." After saying that, Mo Qingqiu couldn't help but add happily.

Looking at the situation just now, the roe owl has actually broken through the city protection barrier. It was just because it was forced to explode its tiger claws by Gu Fenghua's sword. Its strength was greatly damaged due to the injury. The broken barrier quickly repaired itself, so It was impossible to escape, giving them a chance to take action. If it hadn't been for Gu Fenghua's sword and the roe owl's claws swinging together, they might not have been able to arrive in time and severely injure it. So now even if there is a ghost chasing soul plate, it is not easy to catch up with them and kill them separately.

"What about Yunyuan City?" Although he knew that chasing the roe owl was the top priority at the moment, Gu Fenghua still couldn't bear the thought of the hundreds of thousands of people in Yunyuan City who were still struggling on the edge of life and death. .

"I have summoned all the major sects to come over for help, and I think they will be here soon," Mo Qingqiu said.

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