My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3464 3464 Let us vomit first

"Okay, you go in." The guard reluctantly believed it, put away the storage bracelet, and made a gesture of invitation.

Gu Fenghua thanked him and took Tang Junhou into the True Alchemy Garden.

"By the way, please keep an eye on your friends and be careful not to disturb other distinguished guests." A guard came from behind and reminded him again in kind.

"Okay, we will pay attention, haha...hahahaha." Gu Fenghua responded and finally couldn't help laughing.

Luo Enen and Fatty Bai were silent for a moment, and then burst into laughter while holding their bellies. Even Ye Yunji laughed out loud in a very shameless manner.

"It's too much, it's too much. You dare to humiliate me, Tang Junhou, like this. I can't spare them!" Tang Junhou's face turned red and white as they laughed. He rolled up his sleeves and prepared to go back and fight.

"Forget it, forget it, they didn't mean to humiliate you, why should you be as knowledgeable as them?" Gu Fenghua quickly grabbed him again.

"It's more hateful if it's unintentional." Tang Junhou was so angry that his eyes were red.

If the humiliation is intentional, it is malicious slander, which means that he is not like a monkey. If it is unintentional, it means that he really looks like a monkey. This is the real humiliation...

Uh... Gu Fenghua and others were slightly startled, but they didn't expect this guy's brain to be so useful this time.

"Actually, I can't blame them. How can a few guards know anything about you, the most beautiful man in Tianji Continent?" Fatty Bai put away his smile and said consolingly.

In order to comfort this guy whose soul was seriously hurt, Fatty Bai once again decided not to take the title of the most beautiful man in Tianji Continent!

"Really?" After hearing what he said, Tang Junhou felt much better.

"Of course, looking at the Tianji Continent, who can compare with you, Tang Junhou, in terms of appearance." Ye Wuse said affirmatively.

"You won't lie to me, will you?" Anyone whose self-confidence has just been severely hit will find it difficult to recover for a while, and Tang Junhou is no exception. Although Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse said they should be more serious, But he still had doubts.

"Why are you lying to me? You won't give us any money." Luo Enen said with disapproval.

"That's right. They are just a few small guards. They have strength but not strength, and they have eyesight but not eyesight. I am just as knowledgeable as them. Isn't it just that I have fallen into my own position and made others laugh at me? Forget it. I am not as knowledgeable as them." Luo Enen's attitude made it easier for Tang Junhou to believe him. He turned his head and glanced at the guards with disdain, and finally gave up the idea of ​​going back to find bad luck with them.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua and others also breathed a sigh of relief. They came to the Zhendan Grand Ceremony for business reasons, and they didn't come to cause trouble. They were really afraid that this guy would get nervous and cause trouble.

"By the way, tell me, where do I look the best? Eyes, nose, mouth, or ears?" The compliments from Luo Enen and others obviously greatly benefited Tang Junhou. After a moment of silence, he was filled with joy. asked.

"Well, uh..." Gu Fenghua and others turned their heads at the same time. Before answering this question, let us vomit first...

Although the True Alchemy Garden is the former residence of Pu Zhenzi, a generation of alchemists, it is not very big. At the end of the courtyard is a simple thatched hut, which is probably Pu Zhenzi’s former residence. There is a platform in front of the house, which is probably where he used to pay homage to his disciples. Where they explained the alchemy method, there were still several rows of long stone benches under the stage, which gave it a sense of simplicity and remoteness.

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