My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3465 3465 feels very unreliable.

The city is crowded with people, but most people are turned away by the admission fee of tens of thousands of high-grade Holy Spirit Stones. There are only a few thousand people who are truly qualified to enter the garden. Of course, a small garden can accommodate thousands of people, making it extremely lively.

At this time, an old man with a slender face was calling his friends, and groups of three or five gathered together to discuss something. Judging from their clothes, demeanor, and detached demeanor, most of them should be holy alchemists, and the discussion was nothing more than their experience in alchemy.

Seeing Gu Fenghua and others coming in, everyone just turned their heads and glanced subconsciously, with a little curiosity in their eyes. They were probably wondering that they were so young and came to the Zhendan Festival to join in the fun, or they were wondering. , where did they come from such a rich family background. Ten thousand high-grade Holy Spirit Stones is not a small amount. Even if they are returned in full when they leave, not everyone can take them out.

However, they were curious, and with their status, they were not condescending. They came over to try to get close to a few young juniors. After just a few glances, they turned away and continued to discuss.

Of course, Gu Fenghua would not ask for trouble and join in the fun. He glanced at the crowd and did not see the old man who led them into the city before, so he, Ye Yunji and others found a place to sit down and wait for the auction. start.

At the same time, Jiang Chengye and Duanmu Qingming also came to Zhendan City under the guidance of the Spiritual Plate.

"Hey, what kind of city is this? Why is it so lively?" Duanmu Qingming asked in confusion when he saw the endless crowd waiting to enter the city.

As a holy sect, the Jianding Sect also has its own city. He likes to go to the city when he has nothing to do. Compared with the scale, the city in front of him was much smaller than the Sword Cauldron Sect, but when it came to the prosperity and liveliness, it was not inferior to the Sword Cauldron Sect at all, or even worse, which puzzled him.

"This is Zhendan City. It's strange. I've never seen it so lively before." Jiang Chengye replied, also looking puzzled.

"Sir, Master of the Village, today seems to be the day when the True Alchemy Conference will be held." A guard reminded.

"Oh, by the way, I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me. Today happens to be the day when the Zhendan Grand Conference is held. No wonder it's so lively." Jiang Chengye then remembered what was going on and said with a slap on the forehead.

Seeing his uncle's suddenly enlightened look, Duanmu Qingming felt a little strange.

Although it was his first time to come here, he had already heard about the True Alchemy City and the True Alchemy Festival. He knew that the True Alchemy Festival was very famous in the alchemy world, and many alchemy masters with extraordinary strength would attend from time to time. Some fledgling holy alchemists even thought they were proud to attend the true elixir event.

As the owner of Lingdan Villa, my uncle actually forgot about such a major event as the True Pill Festival, which gave people a very unreliable feeling. An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

How did he know that Jiang Chengye's cultivation level was barely passable, but as a holy alchemist, his qualifications were mediocre, so how could he have the nerve to come to the True Alchemy Festival to embarrass himself? So I didn't take it to heart at all.

However, Duanmu Qingming felt that his uncle's premonition was very unreliable. Of course, it was just a premonition now. He would not know how effective his premonition was until he suffered again and suffered a life worse than death again. .

"Gu Fenghua came to my Lingdan Villa to seek elixirs, but he probably wanted to try his luck at the elixir event. Let's go!" Jiang Chengye glanced at the spirit plate again and strode towards the elixir city.

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