My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4230 4230 He can’t do it if he doesn’t intervene.

But now that the matter has come to this, she has no other choice, let alone retreating, she can only fight with all her strength.

"One sword, kill the great wilderness!" Gu Fenghua shouted loudly and rushed towards the man and the beast.

Seeing Gu Fenghua's unyielding figure, Mo Qingqiu and others clenched their fists tightly, their hearts in their throats again.

"Roar..." At this moment, a loud roar sounded, like a thunderbolt crashing from the sky.

In the void, a huge black dragon swooped down from the sky. The ferocious dragon head, the sharp dragon teeth, and the sharp dragon claws were all so majestic and domineering.

Following this desolate dragon roar, a strong sense of killing instantly filled the air. Everyone was shocked, as if they had returned to the legendary ancient battlefield.

"Devil dragon!" Ao Canhun exclaimed.

Yes, what flew down from the sky at this time was Ye Yunji's demon pet - Demon Dragon Demon Sky!

Ye Yunji originally didn't want to interfere with Gu Fenghua's experience. He had enough confidence in her strength, especially the awakened power of blood, but seeing how powerful Zhu Yan was, he couldn't help but intervene.

After all, this is Zhu Yan from the Supreme Heaven. Compared with the ferocious beast Zhu Yan in the legend of Wuji Holy Heaven, she is much stronger. Unless the power in Gu Fenghua's bloodline is fully awakened, with her current strength, she will not be able to contend with it. And he felt that the restrictions in Gu Fenghua's bloodline had not been fully opened, and the power had not been fully awakened, so how could he dare to let her risk it.

Zhu Yan, who was running towards Gu Fenghua, suddenly stopped, looked at the swooping Demon Sky, roared loudly, and then jumped up and pounced on him.

The Dragon Clan, together with the Phoenix, are known as the two most powerful divine beasts in ancient times. They are also the lords of thousands of monsters. Generally speaking, ordinary monsters are suppressed by their natural blood and would never dare to challenge the majesty of the Dragon Clan.

But don't forget that Zhu Yan is also a legendary ancient ferocious beast. His strength may not be any worse than that of some weak dragons, and he is not so easily suppressed by the dragons. More importantly, after Ba Tian's rebirth, his strength was far from being restored to its peak.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two legendary ancient beasts (ferocious beasts) collided fiercely.

There was a loud thunder, and an invisible shock wave rippled in the void. The entire broken space was like a small boat in the waves.

Violent vibrations came from the ground, and everyone was shaken up and down, and it was difficult to stabilize their bodies. When he raised his head again, he saw that the black dragon had flown back a hundred feet away. Its originally graceful wings were riddled with holes and drooped on both sides of it like two rags. The majestic dragon head was also flying away. He vomited black blood clots from his mouth, and the sharp dragon claws continued to tremble and twitch.

Opposite him, Zhu Yan was standing in the air. Although he had a few scars on his body that were deeply visible to the bones, but his body was purple and haloed, he was still so mighty and domineering, and the roar from his mouth was still so deafening.

With just one blow, the legendary beast, the Demonic Dragon, suffered heavy damage, but this Zhu Yan was obviously not seriously injured and still had the strength to fight! Mo Qingqiu and others were even more horrified.

Without any hesitation, Mo Qingqiu, Weng Yuanming, and Yu Xuanyang made fingerprints again.

The strength of this Zhu Yan was obviously beyond their imagination. With one against two, Gu Fenghua is definitely in danger. Only by self-destructing his holy soul can they win a chance for her. Even if they can't save her in the end and die together with Ao Canhun, they can still keep the peace of Wuji Holy Heaven. Now that things have happened, they don't dare to have too many extravagant hopes.

"Ouch..." Before the handprint was halfway done, the Zhu Yan suddenly let out a cry of sorrow.

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