My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4231 4231I will fight with you!

Everyone could clearly feel that the vitality was quickly disappearing from it, and the majestic mountain-like figure also became illusory.

In the soft sound of "push", the illusory beast shadow finally exploded like a soap bubble, turned into thousands of streams of light, and disappeared before the eyes. Only the sad roar full of unwillingness was still echoing in the void.

How is this going? I thought that the demon dragon was seriously injured, and Gu Fenghua would be in danger if he fought one against two, but he didn't know that in just a moment, Zhu Yan lost all his life and disappeared before his eyes. Mo Qingqiu and others were stunned.

"No!" Ao Canhun was stunned for a while, and then let out a shrill howl.

This Zhu Yan has been with him for thousands of years. It is said to be a demon pet, but it is actually his closest partner and even his most trusted relative. Trapped in this broken space, it is his only hope. Although he had already thought about the worst outcome, watching Zhu Yan die like this before his eyes made him feel dejected and heartbroken no matter how hard his heart was.

"No wonder you gave up so easily and were willing to let us go. It turned out to be this reason!" Gu Fenghua suddenly realized.

After a long time of turmoil, this Zhu Yan became stronger and stronger, but it had already reached the end of its lifespan and could not fight for a long time. This was why Ao Canhun easily gave up and let them go, not because of any conspiracy.

While speaking, Gu Fenghua raised his sword again.

Although she misunderstood Ao Canhun and scolded a powerful man like him, the fifth lady of the Gu family felt somewhat ashamed, but she would never let Ao Canhun go.

She still knows the truth of cutting weeds without eradicating the roots, but the spring breeze will bring new growth. A moment of weakness today might destroy the entire Wuji Holy Heaven and the Tianji Continent in the future. Of course, she would not make such a stupid mistake.

"Gu Fenghua, I, I will fight with you!" Ao Canhun roared with grief and anger and rushed towards Gu Fenghua.

Generally speaking, only people who are in a desperate situation and know that there is no way out will say such cruel words. Generally speaking, once such cruel words are said, death is inevitable. I thought that the supremely powerful people would be exceptions, but now it seems that they are also not immune. Gu Fenghua sighed secretly.

Without Zhu Yan's threat, of course she would no longer take Ao Canhun seriously.

To elaborate, in fact, even if he is seriously injured, Ao Canhun's strength cannot be underestimated. If it were anyone else, even a strong man like Mo Qingqiu would still not be his opponent, but there is no way, who can give her the power of blood? Already awakened?

At this time, Ao Canhun's greatest reliance was the Holy Domain, but in front of the power of her bloodline, even if his Holy Domain was not vulnerable, it would not be of much use at all.

The holy energy, spiritual thoughts, and the power of the blood poured out. Gu Fenghua clenched his sword and rushed towards Ao Canhun.

As the distance got closer, Gu Fenghua could clearly see the grief and anger on Ao Canhun's face, as well as the deep determination in his eyes.

Gu Fenghua's heart palpitated, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

After all, Ao Canhun is a powerful man from the Supreme Heaven, and the holy magic and magic of the Supreme Heaven are beyond his imagination. If he was determined to die, he would be underestimating him if he wanted to kill him easily.

Just as he was thinking this, he saw Ao Canhun suddenly make a series of hand seals.

A strange light flashed, and an artifact appeared in front of him.

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