My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4240 4240She is still deeply suspicious of this

"Fenghua, you just killed Ao Canhun, right? You relied on the power hidden in your bloodline?" After putting away his hand seal, Mo Qingqiu hesitated again, but finally asked.

"How do you know it's the power of blood?" Although he had already guessed that Mo Qingqiu might have discovered that he had a secret, Gu Fenghua was still shocked when he heard him reveal the power of blood.

After all, before today, even she herself didn't know that there was such a mysterious and powerful force hidden in her blood. Even if outsiders guessed what secrets she had, how could they know so clearly?

"In the past, another person also had such power." Mo Qingqiu said slowly.

There is such power in another person! Gu Feng's heart skipped a beat. If she hadn't experienced it personally, she wouldn't have been able to imagine the majesty of this bloodline power. She didn't even dare to imagine that if she could break through the last restriction, fully awaken the bloodline power, and fully master the power, To what level will it be elevated? How powerful should the other person Mo Qingqiu mentioned be?

Could it be that he was talking about the strongest man in the history of Wuji Holy Heaven - Ye Lishang! Apart from him, it was hard for Gu Fenghua to think of anyone else. Apart from him, who else could possess such bloodline power? In other words, unless he had such bloodline power, how could he become such a strong man.

"Yes, I am talking about Senior Ye Lishang. If I guessed correctly, he is from the Supreme Heaven just like you, and his bloodline also contains the unpredictable power of heaven and earth. And his death , it is probably also related to the power of the bloodline." As if he could see what Gu Fenghua was thinking, Mo Qingqiu nodded and said.

"What!" Gu Fenghua exclaimed.

Guessing that the person Mo Qingqiu was talking about was Ye Lishang, it was not difficult to guess that he also came from the Supreme Heaven. However, Gu Fenghua never thought that Ye Lishang's death was actually related to the power of the blood.

"I wonder if you have heard that Senior Ye actually died under the joint efforts of three sage monarchs?" Mo Qingqiu asked.

Gu Fenghua nodded. She had heard about this matter a long time ago. It was for this reason that she had never had much respect for the three saints.

"Then do you know why the three saints attacked him?" Mo Qingqiu then asked.

"Could it be because of the power of this bloodline?" Gu Fenghua said.

She had long heard Feng Lao say that the other three saints secretly attacked Ye Lishang because of the struggle for power. But Mo Qingqiu's words clearly meant that there was another reason.

"Yes, according to what I heard, the three saints attacked Senior Ye precisely because of his bloodline power." Mo Qingqiu nodded and said.

"You mean, they want to seize the power of blood from Senior Ye?" Gu Fenghua guessed.

"That's not the case." Mo Qingqiu shook his head and said, "You must have a deep understanding of the power of the bloodline. Such power is not something that outsiders can seize. Even the three saint kings do not have it. Such strength.

As far as I know, the reason why they attacked Senior Ye was because the power of blood was too powerful, so powerful that Senior Ye himself could hardly control it. Once the power contained in the power of blood fully exploded, the entire Wuji Holy Heaven would probably be destroyed. All will be destroyed. "

"Is there such a thing?" Gu Fenghua was even more surprised.

The power of his own blood is so powerful that he cannot control it. How is this possible?

“It is said that this is related to the great avenue of heaven and earth in our Wuji Holy Heaven.

Saint masters practice the way of heaven and earth. Although there are some things that go against heaven, in general, they still cannot escape the limitations of the way of heaven and earth. That kind of bloodline power may be nothing in the Supreme Heaven, but as Ao Canhun said, compared with the Supreme Heaven, our Wuji Holy Heaven can indeed only be regarded as a lower cultivation plane. Dao can't bear that kind of power at all.

At the beginning, Senior Ye probably sealed the power of blood like you, but later for some reason, the seal gradually broke open, and it was beyond his control. Once the power fully exploded, the entire Wuji Holy Heaven would surely be destroyed. There is no escape.

The three Lord Saints had no choice but to take action against Senior Ye. Originally, they just wanted to control Senior Ye's cultivation and then find a way to help him seal the power of his bloodline. However, as strong men fought for life and death, they made a mistake and injured Senior Ye's life.

Because of this, Holy Lord Xuanji felt uneasy and even disheartened throughout his life. This is also the reason why he has been in seclusion for the past few years and no longer cares about worldly affairs. "Mo Qing explained.

"Your Majesty, who did you hear these things from?" Gu Fenghua suddenly felt something strange in his heart and asked.

"It's all what the Holy Lord Tianji said." Mo Qingqiu was silent for a moment and then replied.

"Don't you have any doubts?" Gu Fenghua asked puzzledly.

Although this statement sounds reasonable at first, in the final analysis, it is just a guess. How could Mo Qingqiu and the other two envoys not have any suspicion?

"Just before the holy kings took action, Senior Ye once went crazy. The seal of the power of blood broke. We all saw the power of destroying the world with our own eyes. It was only then that we knew the true identity of Senior Ye. origin.

Although Senior Ye finally saved the day and barely suppressed the power, everyone could see that of course the seal was not completely broken, otherwise Senior Ye's strength would never be able to suppress it.

Therefore, we firmly believe in the words of the Holy Lord Tianji. Although I couldn't bear it in my heart, and I was unwilling to take action personally, I could only stand by and watch the decisions of the three saints. "Mo Qingqiu said.

Looking back on the past, there was a look of horror in his eyes.

No wonder the three holy monarchs joined forces to plot against Ye Lishang. Instead of turning against him, the other monarchs and envoys still followed his orders. It turned out to be this reason. Only then did Gu Fenghua suddenly realize.

After all, if what the Holy Lord Tianji said is true, they did all this for the safety of the mainland and the life and death of hundreds of millions of people. Besides, they did not intend to put Ye Lishang to death, but just missed it for a moment, so No one can say anything wrong with them.

However, no matter how reasonable this statement was, she still had deep doubts about it after seeing the ruthlessness of the Holy Lord Tianji with her own eyes.

"Your Majesty, if I say that the power of blood is not as terrifying as you think, both us and Senior Ye can completely suppress it, do you believe it?" After a moment of silence, Gu Fenghua asked.

Although the seal restriction in the bloodline has not been completely broken, if it were completely broken, the power of the awakened bloodline may indeed be ten times or a hundred times stronger. He did not have time to comprehend it in detail, but Gu Fenghua could still feel that power. and the power of the Holy Source are the most original power of the body, even purer than the power of the Holy Source - after all, the Holy Spirit root can be condensed acquiredly, and the power of the Holy Source can also be said to be acquired, but the power of the bloodline But it is born.

Gu Fenghua believes that no matter how powerful the bloodline is, he can send and receive it as he wishes, and there will never be a situation that he cannot control.

"Are you sure?" Mo Qingqiu's expression suddenly became serious.

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