My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4241 4241 Still inevitably disappointed

Although he saw with his own eyes the terror of the power of blood when Ye Lishang became possessed, he had no way of knowing the mystery of it unless he experienced it personally. Everything he knew was actually said by Tianji Sage, but Tianji Sage was just speculation, and he also had no personal experience, so it was not as convincing as Gu Fenghua's words.

Of course, the premise is that Gu Fenghua's judgment is correct and he is not lying.

"I'm sure." Gu Fenghua nodded vigorously.

"I'm sure too." Ye Yunji also nodded and said.

The reason why he used his blood to suppress the power in his bloodline was to hide his energy and prevent his enemies from detecting him. The other reason was to break through and advance like the Saint Master of Wuji Holy Heaven. It was not because the power in his bloodline could not be detected. control.

In fact, even if they didn't say anything, Mo Qingqiu knew that they would never lie on this matter.

"Could it be that we were wrong, all wrong?" Mo Qingqiu murmured to himself, sometimes clenching his fists and sometimes loosening them. There was deep doubt and deep regret in his eyes that were lost.

Ye Lishang's status in the Wuji Holy Heaven is so high and transcendent. Let alone others, even Mo Qingqiu himself owes his current cultivation level to his favor, and one can imagine his respect for him.

If it was really for the safety of Wuji Holy Heaven and the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, it would be excusable for the three saints to take action against Ye Lishang, or even accidentally injure his life. They could stand by and watch without blaming themselves too much. . But if this was all a misunderstanding, he might never be able to forgive himself.

"Originally, I wanted to remind you that you must not be careless about the power of the bloodline. It is best not to use it if you can. But now it seems that maybe I have thought too much." After a while, Mo Qingqiu gradually calmed down. With difficulty, he forced out a self-deprecating smile and said to Gu Fenghua.

Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that he specifically called him and Ye Yunji over to remind them of this. But it was obvious that his worries were completely unnecessary.

"Actually, I still have one last seal that I haven't been able to break. With my current strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to break it. The power of blood is sealed in it, so I can't even use it." Despite this, Gu Fenghua still explained helplessly. This sentence can be regarded as making Mo Qingqiu feel at ease again.

With the "help" of Ao Canhun, the other seal restrictions in the bloodline were broken one by one, and now only the last one is left. However, this seal restriction is too powerful. If she feels right, let alone the current one. Even if he reaches Mo Qingqiu's level of cultivation, he probably won't be able to break through it.

"That's fine. The power is too strong. If you rely too much on it, it will be harmful to your future cultivation." Seeing Gu Fenghua's loss, Mo Qingqiu'an comforted her in turn.

"That's true." Gu Fenghua nodded.

I have to say that what Mo Qingqiu said makes sense. Ye Yunji has been reluctant to give her too much help, and he also doesn't want her to get used to dependence, lose her enterprising spirit, and waste her cultivation. However, thinking about the shocking power of the divine sword when it was unsheathed, she still couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"Okay, you go out first, I have some things to think about." Mo Qingqiu said to the two of them.

In the past tens of thousands of years, all the emperors and envoys, including him, thought that the three saint monarchs had no choice but to attack Ye Lishang for the sake of Wuji Holy Heaven. However, after hearing Gu Fenghua's words today, he realized that very Maybe they made a huge mistake, their minds were filled with mixed feelings, and they couldn't calm down no matter what.

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