My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4243 4243 As a qualified magic stick

"We are also a little tired, let's go back and rest first." After Lu Hongdao and others turned to leave, Zhongli winked at Liu Sanjue and said.

He also knew that he was not too familiar with Gu Fenghua, and there were things he shouldn't know. Of course, looking at the solemn look on Mo Qingqiu's face before, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a good thing to know.

"That's right, let's go back and rest first." As a qualified magic stick, Liu Sanjue's eyesight will never be worse than Lu Hongdao's, and he immediately got up and walked towards the backyard.

Although the courtyard is not large, it can accommodate dozens of people from both front and back.

"I'll go too." Jing Lichen was young but not stupid. Looking at the actions of Lu Hongdao, Zhong Lizheng and others, he knew that they were trying to avoid suspicion, and he chased after them knowingly.

Qingfan didn't say much and went directly to the wing where the master was.

"How about we go back to the room first." Even Jing Lichen could see it, and Weng Yuanming and Fang Yunsong could certainly see it too. After hesitating, Weng Yuanming said.

"No, please stay with the elders." Gu Fenghua waved his hand and said.

Whether it is selfishness or obsession, in short, these old men are now loyal to the Burning Sky Sect, and they are even more sincere to themselves, the sect leader, and are even willing to sacrifice their lives for her. Of course she will not do it again. Be on guard against them.

Besides, they had actually known Ye Yunji's origins for a long time. Instead of being wary or hostile, they were overjoyed. If they knew his origins, they would probably be more welcoming and encouraging to the Burning Heaven Sect, to themselves, and to them. It will only make you more desperate.

"Fenghua, what on earth did Lord Envoy tell you?" Luo Enen asked impatiently as soon as Zhongli was waiting for the others to leave.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, told me that Senior Ye Lishang did indeed die at the hands of three Saint Lords..." Gu Fenghua recounted what he heard from Mo Qingqiu in detail.

"It's unlikely. Since it's the power of blood, no matter how strong it is, it's impossible for Senior Ye himself to be unable to control it, right?" After listening to Gu Fenghua's words, Luo Enen said suspiciously.

"Yes, I think several saints and envoys may have misunderstood." Gu Fenghua nodded.

"What misunderstanding? In my opinion, it's probably the old guy from Tianji Shengjun who deliberately misled them with scaremongering and deliberately harmed Senior Ye's life. The so-called failure was probably his conspiracy." Luo Enen said contemptuously.

Like Gu Fenghua, she had seen the ruthlessness of the Holy Lord Tianji with her own eyes, and she also hated the old man deeply.

Gu Fenghua actually had some doubts. Is Tianji Shengjun making such speculations just for his own selfish interests, or is it really for the safety of the mainland? After all, the power of the bloodline is too terrifying. Tianji Shengjun himself has never experienced it personally, so it is normal to be a little worried.

But after hearing what Luo Enen said, she didn't refute. Don't say anything else, just say that the old guy wholeheartedly protects despicable villains like Duan Qingyun and Changsun Luocang, and his character is not much better.

"By the way, Fenghua, why did Lord Jun mention this to you?" Luo Enen asked again strangely.

Others also looked puzzled. Ye Lishang had been dead for tens of thousands of years. Even if there was a secret behind his death, what does it have to do with Gu Fenghua? Why did Mo Qingqiu suddenly mention this matter to her, and his expression was still so serious?

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