My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4244 4244 There is another more daring idea

"Because, there is such power hidden in my bloodline." Gu Fenghua said word by word.

"What!" Everyone was shocked.

Although I have never met Ye Lishang and don't know how strong he is, from the fact that Mo Qingqiu and others firmly believe in the words of Tianji Holy Lord, we can imagine how terrifying the power of his bloodline is. What a fear.

Unexpectedly, Gu Fenghua's bloodline actually contained such power.

"So, the reason why you can pull out the sword is because of this power. You are indeed from the Supreme Heaven!" Luo Enen was the first to come back to his senses and said with excitement.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua nodded.

If she had some doubts about her origins before, then with the awakening of the power of blood, the last bit of doubts disappeared.

"It turns out, it turns out that the sect leader is also from the Supreme Heaven. Now, it is difficult for our Burning Heaven Sect to become famous all over the world, hahahaha..." Zeng Ning'an was so excited that his whole body was shaking. He tried to lower his voice in front of him, but he couldn't bear it in the back. He laughed wildly.

Sure enough, just as Gu Fenghua expected, after knowing his true origin, these old men not only had no grudges, but were even more excited and excited.

"Not only will he be famous all over the world, I think sooner or later the sect leader will surpass the eighteen emperors and envoys, keep pace with the three great saints, and become the fourth saint of our Wuji Holy Heaven. At that time, our Burning Heaven Sect will It is the most holy sect in the world. Throughout the ages, there is no other sect that can be compared with our Burning Heaven Sect, hahahaha..." Yao Wenshan also laughed loudly.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Gu Fenghua's forehead. This second elder Yao was usually relatively calm, so why did he get so carried away when he got excited?

Although she has enough confidence in herself, the road must be walked step by step, and the food must be eaten one bite at a time. When it comes to the Fourth Saint King or the No. 1 Saint Sect in the world, at least now she does not dare to be like Yao Wenshan. Thinking so far ahead.

"Humph, keeping pace with each other? You think too highly of them. When the time comes, it would be better to just drive them out of power. The master of the sect will monopolize the position of the Holy Monarch. Thousands of powerful people in the world will submit to me, the Burning Heaven Sect." Weng Yuanming said with a look on his face. He said proudly.

Well, here’s another even bigger idea. Gu Fenghua broke into cold sweat.

"If you cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows. If you want to follow my advice, just kill them to avoid future troubles. There are also those envoys and others who are disobedient. Kill them all. It is best to kill them all to be sure. "Tang Junhou looked excited, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

At this time, not only Gu Fenghua, but also Luo Enen and others were in a cold sweat.

I have to say, this guy is the real ruthless person. However, you should check the place if you are angry. Don't forget that there is a gentleman in the wing next to you. If he heard what Tang Junhou said, he didn't know what Mo Qingqiu would think. Would he strike first and kill them all?

"Ahem, the power of my bloodline is suppressed by restrictions, so I can't just use it if I want to." Seeing that they were overly excited and dared to say anything, Gu Fenghua had no choice but to pour a basin of cold water on them.

"Restriction?" After being poured with cold water, Weng Yuanming and others calmed down instantly and looked at Gu Fenghua in confusion.

"Yes, it's a restriction. Although I have broken through hundreds of restrictions with the help of the seals taught by my brothers and the power of the holy realm of Ao Canhun, the last one is more than a hundred times stronger than the other restrictions. With my strength , I'm afraid it won't be able to be broken open no matter what." Gu Fenghua explained.

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