No wonder Gu Fenghua and Ao Canhun were in danger at the beginning of the fight, but later on they became stronger and stronger, completely gaining the upper hand. It turned out that she had used the power of the holy realm to break the restriction, and everyone suddenly realized.

However, even with the power of Proud Remnant Soul, the last restriction cannot be broken. Therefore, one cannot imagine how powerful this restriction is. How can it be so easy to break it?

After Gu Fenghua poured cold water on their heads, Weng Yuanming and others looked disappointed and could no longer get excited.

"Is there no other way?" Luo Enen asked reluctantly.

"I don't know, anyway, now I have thought of a way. But it doesn't matter, after all, the power of blood is not cultivated by oneself, and it is not a good thing to rely too much on it. Practicing down-to-earth is the right way." Gu Fenghua said .

Even though her bloodline contained such powerful power, but she could no longer use it, she still couldn't help but feel disappointed. When she said this, she always felt a little self-comforting.

"Well, don't use it if you don't need it. Anyway, the restriction will be broken sooner or later, so there's no rush." ​​At this point, Luo Enen could only encourage her in this way.

"Yes, with your (Sir) talent, even without the power of this bloodline, you can still become the most powerful person in the Wuji Holy Heaven. There is no need to rush." ​​Fatty Bai, Weng Yuanming and others also comforted.

Of course, comfort is comfort, but I still feel sorry for Gu Fenghua.

"Actually, it's not impossible." Ye Yunji suddenly said.

"What can we do?" Gu Fenghua and others asked in unison, revealing their true thoughts.

"It's not that I have a way, but that you do. Although the seal method taught by your brothers cannot break the last restriction, since it can break other restrictions, it should not be completely useless." Ye Yunji said thoughtfully. .

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" Gu Fenghua slapped his forehead heavily.

Without further words, Gu Fenghua quickly made his fingerprints.

The Infinite Seal of Heaven and Earth, the Incomparable Seal of Eight Desolations and Liuhes, the Unparalleled Seal of Gods and Demons, the Nine Heavens Clouds and Thunder Seal, the Heaven-shaking Seal of Heaven and Earth... The seals were unpredictable, forming a brand new seal with the slight trembling of her fingertips.

Strange light flickered, and a huge talisman array enveloped her. The talisman array continued to shrink and suddenly turned into a stream of light, imprinted into her heart.

Deep in the heart, the talisman array condensed into substance, slashing towards the restriction like a sharp sword.

"Boom", there was an earth-shattering loud noise in his mind, but the restriction did not move at all.

Gu Fenghua was not discouraged and continued to make fingerprints.

The talisman array was in the air, shrouded down again, continuously shrinking, imprinted into the depths of the heart, and slashed out like a sharp sword.

One sword, two swords, three swords...

Gu Fenghua looked inside intently, and all his spiritual thoughts were concentrated in it.

"Crack..." Finally, a cracking sound came from his mind.

The cracking sound was so slight that it could not even be detected if one did not concentrate with all his strength, but to Gu Fenghua, it was like a fairy sound.

A force as thin as a silk thread gushes out from the deepest part of the heart and slowly flows through the meridians of the body. This is the power of blood! She finally broke through the restriction again and awakened the power of blood.

Although this power is so weak and the flow is so slow, Gu Fenghui is still ecstatic when he feels the familiar lightness, distance and vastness in it.

As long as we find a way to break through the restriction, even if it's just an imperceptible gap, no matter how weak the awakened bloodline power is, it can accumulate into a river over time. She will definitely be able to pull out the divine sword again and strike out with that shocking sword that makes the entire void tremble.

In the midst of ecstasy, Gu Fenghua suddenly felt like the world was spinning, endless exhaustion came like a tide, and he fell to the ground involuntarily.

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