My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4294 4294 If you want to fight, then fight.

"Those who don't know life and death, do you still dare to attack my grandfather? Do you really not know how the word "death" is written? Grandfather, take care of them and let them see the power of our Shengyuan Sect." Seeing them Yuan Shaochong shouted with anger and excitement at the same time.

Others don't understand Grandfather's temper, doesn't he understand it? Obviously, Grandfather has become really angry. If these people are more sensible, apologize to themselves, and then cut off their arms and lose their cultivation, perhaps Grandfather will do it for the sake of the reputation of Shengyun Sect. Give them a way to survive, but it would be strange for my grandfather to tolerate them in this tense posture.

Sheng Yuan Sect had disappeared for so many years and finally returned. It needed such a battle to reestablish its prestige and let everyone know that Sheng Yuan Sect was still the same Sheng Yuan Sect that no one should despise.

In front of his eyes, it seemed that Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others had their hands and feet broken off, screaming in agony. Yuan Shaochong was more excited than ever before, and his pig-headed face was glowing with crystal light.

"Which sect are you disciples?" Yuan Daoling waved his hand, looked at Gu Fenghua and others, and asked in a deep voice.

In fact, he was just one step away from taking action, but when he saw the faint golden light flickering between the eyebrows of Luo Enen and others, and then saw the actions of Zhen Fengliu, Liang Yicheng and others, he was startled again, and forced himself to move those The anger was suppressed temporarily.

Even though Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and others have not fully demonstrated their strength, but just by looking at the faint golden light, one can guess that they are definitely at the fifth or even sixth level of Emperor Saint.

It's just a few old men who have fought against each other before. After all, age is there. It's not too weird to have such a cultivation level. But those young men and women are only so old, how can they have such a cultivation level?

The two young men and women at the head did not show any strength under his pressure, but precisely because of this reason, they felt even more unpredictable. He can be sure that their strength is still higher than others!

He had seen the previous injuries of Zhen Fengliu, Liang Yicheng and others with his own eyes. Even if he took the healing pill passed down by his ancestors from the Shengyuan Sect, he would not be able to recover for a while. But not long after taking the Holy Pill, they stood up again. It seemed that their injuries were mostly healed.

Not only are these people young and very powerful, but they also have such healing elixirs on their bodies. What are their origins?

The Shengyuan Sect has been away from the world for thousands of years, and he doesn't want to provoke any powerful enemy that he can't afford to offend as soon as he returns.

Looking at Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji, Yuandaoling's expression became solemn.

Liang Shaochong was originally so excited that he could hardly control himself and almost laughed wildly. But when his grandfather retreated when the matter came to an end, he couldn't help but become depressed again.

However, he had always admired and awed his grandfather, and no matter how unwilling he was, he did not dare to say anything more.

"Old man, let me tell you, are you in trouble? If you want to be beaten, we will fight. If you don't want to be beaten, we will go our separate ways and go back to our homes. Why are you asking so many nonsense questions?" Before Gu Fenghua could speak, Luo Enen curled his lips. He said with a look of disgust and annoyance.

Beside them, Weng Yuanming and others were all covered in cold sweat. Facing the leader of the Shengyuan Sect, who was once the head of the eighteen holy sects in the Xuanji Domain, even they felt a lot of pressure and unavoidably felt uneasy. Only this heartless Miss Luo dared to talk to Yuandaoling like this. .

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