My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4295 4295 Hold it in and hold it in

The other person is the leader of the Shengyuan Sect. Even if they can't do anything to you today, aren't you afraid that others will hold a grudge and find an opportunity to slap you to death another day?

Shaking their heads, sighing secretly in their hearts, several people's eyes suddenly lit up again, as if they thought of something.

Gu Fenghua glanced at Luo Enen, with a hint of approval in his eyes.

Although Miss Luo doesn't like to use her brain, she is not stupid, and she is actually a little clever sometimes. Of course when she said this, she didn't really dislike Yuan Daoling, but she just didn't want him to know their origins.

Although they had offended many people over the years, and even had a deadly feud with the two great envoys, Changsun Luocang and Duan Qingyun, they did not have too much to worry about because of their identity.

As envoys, every move attracts too much attention, and there are too many scruples. It is inevitable to be constrained in doing things. Therefore, even if they have suffered so much at their hands, Changsun Luocang and Duan Qingyun do not dare to attack them easily. The sect behind him took revenge.

On the contrary, sects like Shengyun Sect have much less scruples, and they are not as noticeable as Junshi. If they know their origins, it will be even more difficult to prevent them from stumbling upon Nanli Sect or Kuchan Sect behind their backs. .

Of course, if it is just an ordinary sect, there is no need to worry too much. However, Shengyuan Sect is the head of the eighteen holy sects in Xuanji Domain, so Luo Enen must be more careful.

Regardless of whether her worries were unfounded or not, Miss Luo still thought about things much more thoughtfully than before, and Gu Fenghua was secretly pleased.

"You little girl who doesn't know how to live or die, how dare you disrespect me!" Just as Luo Enen had hoped, seeing the disgust and contempt on her face, Yuan Daoling was furious and had no intention of asking them any more questions. Origin and origin.

"Tch, I've seen this young lady who relies on her elders and sells her old age a lot. What's wrong with being disrespectful? Are you going to bite me?" Miss Luo said a long "tick", her expression even more disapproving.

She had forgotten that not long ago, she also imitated others' "relying on the old and selling off the old".

"Seeking death!" Yuan Daoling shouted angrily. The facial hair and beard were spread out with a scowl on his face, which made him even more powerful.

"How brave you are to be disrespectful to my grandfather! There is no need for my grandfather to talk nonsense to her. Cut off her limbs and destroy her cultivation. Let's see if she still dares to be arrogant!" Then Yuan Shaochong became excited again.

"Qiang..." Amidst the clear sound, a sword light flickered.

Not only Luo Enen and Weng Yuanming, but also the two sect masters Zhen Fengliu and Liang Yicheng, as well as their disciples, all drew their swords from their sheaths at the same time.

Although none of them were as powerful as Yuandaoling, hundreds of long swords shone with divine light at the same time and trembled with dragon roars, but they were also powerful.

Yuan Shaochong was excited, but he was frightened when he saw this. He took two steps back and almost fell to the ground.

And Yuandaoling is worthy of being the leader of Shengyuan Sect. Even when he was furious, he did not lose his mind.

Seeing the aura of the holy sword soaring into the sky, he suddenly stopped and stopped again.

If there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant, and the opponent is not weak. He doesn't want to capsize his boat in the gutter on impulse - it doesn't matter if he capsizes in the gutter, but Sheng Yuan Sect's thousand-year plan and the rise of the All hope rests on himself, so he must not be careless at all, let alone impulsively ruin a major event.

Big things are important, big things are important! Yuan Daoling kept reminding himself that if he endured and endured and held back, he would soon become a thousand-year-old turtle spirit.

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