My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4306 4306 I am the greatest in the world

"By the way, my Wu Nian Sect is not too far away from here. It only takes half a month to arrive. If Feng Hua is free in the future, please go to the Bizong to stay for a few days." After a pause, Wu Xingyi continued.

"My Sword Spirit Sect and the Wu Nian Sect live next to each other. If Feng Hua goes to the Wu Nian Sect, don't forget about my Sword Spirit Sect." Huo Mingshan also said with a smile.

"By the way, there is also my Yunfeng Sect."

"And our Jade Heart Sect." The elders of other sects also ordered and invited.

"Seniors, please don't hesitate to accept your kind invitation. When I have time, I will definitely go to your sect to bother you. As long as you don't find it troublesome." Gu Fenghua nodded and said.

"If you, Feng Hua, are willing to come, our sects will flourish. It's too late to be happy, so why would you find it troublesome." Wu Xingyi and others all laughed.

"Sect Master Zhen, Sect Master Liang, we had no choice but to forgive where we offended." After a few words of greeting, Wu Xingyi and others said apologetically to Zhen Fengliu and Liang Yicheng.

"It doesn't matter, for Fenghua's sake, I won't argue with you, and you don't have to be afraid." Zhen Fengliu waved her hand and said magnanimously. He has a very heroic Qianyun attitude, as if not caring about others is a great blessing to others.

Of course, this is indeed the case in his opinion. With the Yelang Sect's usual style of life, if he escaped today, he will definitely not let go of any of the major sects present. In order to avenge the blood and hatred, he will definitely stalk them. Even if you can't kill them, you will do whatever you can to disgust them to death. Now, for Fenghua's sake, he doesn't care about them. That was the blessing that their ancestors had spent burning incense for several lifetimes.

"Uh..." Wu Xingyi and others were choked by him.

Fear? We're scared shitless. If Gu Fenghua and others hadn't intervened today, your Yelang Sect would have been wiped out so many times. With your little strength, it's enough to scare ordinary sects. If you really want to show off your face, you really don't think we are afraid of you.

Don't talk about them. Seeing that old man Zhen had just escaped from danger, he immediately returned to his old ways. The great old man in the world was so embarrassed that even Gu Fenghua was speechless for a while.

"Fenghua, let's take our leave first." Too lazy to follow Zhen Fengliu, the elders of each sect said goodbye.

"Then we won't send it off. Have a good trip, seniors." Gu Fenghua originally wanted to retain him and help Yelang Sect ease the relationship with the major sects. After all, it is not an option for them to offend people like this. Who knows when they will come back? It would lead to the destruction of the family. She could help them for a while, but she couldn't help them forever. But looking at this situation, she had no choice but to give up.

Life and death are determined by fate, wealth is in the sky, and the Yelang Sect can be passed down for so many years. Naturally, I don't have to worry too much about their way of survival. Gu Fenghua could only comfort himself in this way.

A group of sect elders flew up and soon disappeared without a trace.

"It's a pity that the old man ran away." After watching everyone leave, Tang Junhou stepped forward and said regretfully.

His sect was being hunted all the way, and they actually escaped to Luoxing Gorge, and his master was almost killed. He hated the Shengyuan Sect and Yuandaoling in his heart, and wanted to skin him and cut him into pieces with cramps. good. However, he knew how much he weighed. Now that Fenghua had let Yuan Daoling and others leave, he could only secretly regret it, but he did not dare to question her decision.

"The old man is not weak. It's not that easy to kill him. If we really have to fight to the death, we won't be able to gain any advantage." Weng Yuanming said in a deep voice, but he fully understood the lord's decision.

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