My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4307 4307 There is a cry in the voice

"Not only is it not easy to kill him, but if we really fight, it's a matter of two things who will die and who will lose the net." Gu Fenghua said with a wry smile.

"What!" After hearing her words, Weng Yuanming and others were startled, and Zhen Fengliu and Liang Yicheng also looked puzzled.

In the battle just now, even a blind person could see that Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, and Fatty Bai Ye Wuse had the upper hand, but why did they have no confidence at all when they heard the meaning of Gu Fenghua's words.

Before they could figure it out, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse suddenly stumbled to the ground. Their faces instantly turned pale, and a layer of cold sweat quickly appeared on their foreheads.

Gu Fenghua's condition was slightly better, but he still looked tired and no longer looked as energetic as before.

"Fenghua!" Zhen Fengliu was shocked, and her expression changed drastically again.

"Sir Sect Master!" Weng Yuanming and others were also shocked and quickly took out the holy elixir.

Could it be that the sect master and Luo Enen and the others had just defeated Yuandaoling, and they themselves were also seriously injured?

They had just been promoted significantly, so their foundation was inevitably unstable. What would happen if their spiritual roots were injured! Originally, with their qualifications and their opportunities, they would definitely have a bright future, and they might become stronger than the Eighteen Monarchs. Gu Fenghua might even be superior to the three Saint Monarchs, but if he was injured, Once you reach your spiritual roots, your life may stop there.

Thinking like this, several people were heartbroken and their faces turned pale with fright.

"Fenghua, are you okay? Don't scare me." Tang Junhou was so frightened that his voice was filled with tears. This monkey is indeed sincere towards Fenghua and the others.

"Senior Sister Gu, you... you..." Jing Lichen burst into tears, his voice choked with sobs, and he couldn't even speak.

"We're fine, it's just that the holy energy has been lost too much. Help us in first." Seeing their true feelings, Gu Fenghua was secretly moved, but he didn't do much to comfort him. Instead, he looked into the distance and said quickly.

In fact, despite the arrogance and pride she put on in front of Yuan Daoling just now, her heart was not as calm as it seemed.

With just one sword strike, nearly half of the holy energy and divine power in his body was consumed! This result was completely beyond Gu Fenghua's expectation.

As he was promoted to the seventh level of the Emperor's Saint, Luo En'en, Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse and others were promoted to the sixth level of the Emperor's Saint. It is not strange that the power of a concentrated sword could barely reach the ninth level of the Emperor's Saint, but something like this The loss is too shocking.

It seems that the ninth grade of Emperor Saint is probably an insurmountable threshold for the realm of Emperor Saint. Otherwise, raising the power of the sword to the ninth grade of Emperor Saint would never consume so much holy energy and spiritual energy.

Of course, this is normal. The higher the cultivation level, the higher the qualification requirements if you want to make further breakthroughs and improvements. After reaching the eighth level of Emperor Saint, the human body's potential has been stimulated to its extreme. It is not that easy to advance to the ninth level of Emperor Saint. As far as Gu Fenghua knows, it seems that only Mo Qingqiu, Chang Aotian and other envoys have reached the ninth level of Emperor Saint. The other masters of Star Observation City such as Yu Xuanyang and the famous casual cultivators such as Zhong Lizheng are all far behind. Far.

With that concentrated sword, they displayed a powerful sword power comparable to that of a ninth-grade Emperor Saint. It was only normal for them to spend more holy energy and spiritual thoughts.

But if you want to understand, Gu Fenghua can't relax in the face of such a result.

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