My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4334 4334 The usual self-satisfaction

"Could it be that this ancestral hall was made using the art of refining weapons?" Gu Fenghua had an idea and asked.

If it is just an ordinary building and is dismantled and then rebuilt, no matter how exquisite the craftsmanship is, there will always be some traces left. Unless the ancestral hall was originally made separately using the art of refining weapons and then put together again, it would never be so seamless. .

"Feng Hua really has a good eye. This ancestral hall was indeed made by my ancestor who spent a lot of money to hire hundreds of weapon masters, and all of them are the top weapon masters, or even weapon masters." Zhen Fengliu praised. Gu Fenghua has good eyesight, but his expression is always self-satisfied.

Even though the Yelang Sect is only a middle-grade sect, that is only because they are indifferent to fame and wealth. When it comes to the bottom line, if nothing else, let’s just say that this ancestor’s ancestral hall is not comparable to those holy sects. Even the residences of the great kings and envoys are not as ingenious as their ancestral temples.

"How much will it cost? The founder of your sect is too wasteful." Luo Enen's eyes flashed with golden light, and he said with a look of pain on his face.

In order to build an ancestral hall for himself, he actually spent a lot of money to hire hundreds of weapon masters, and all of them were top-notch weapon masters or even weapon masters. Even if Zhen Fengliu was suspected of exaggerating, he must have spent a lot of money. He also said that Miss Luo was a prodigal, and the founder of the Yelang Sect was the real prodigal.

"How can we call this a prodigal? If we hadn't built this ancestral hall, how could we have harnessed the power of the divine beast!" Zhen Fengliu said dissatisfied.

Only then did everyone realize that the founder of the Yelang Sect built this ancestral hall not for himself, but to harness the power of the divine beast.

At the same time as they suddenly realized this, everyone was of course even more curious: What kind of divine beast power was it? It actually required building (or refining) such an ancestral hall in order to be able to control it.

Being robbed by Luo Enen, Zhen Fengliu was in a very unhappy mood and was too lazy to talk nonsense. She walked towards the ancestral hall and made a series of handprints.

Waves of light appeared in front of them, making wonderful ripples. The restrictions were slowly opened, and everyone was getting closer and closer to the ancestral hall.

After more than two hours, it was getting bright and clear, and Zhen Fengliu finally came to the door.

Everyone secretly sighed, no wonder the Yelang Sect suspected the Shengyuan Sect after the attack. As the sect leader, Zhen Fengliu has been able to open these restrictions for more than two hours. If it were not a powerful sect like Shengyuan Sect, who could open these restrictions and find them under the siege of Yelang Sect disciples? The treasure of Zhenzong?

Zhen Fengliu was obviously very tired, and her holy robe was soaked with sweat. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, took several deep breaths, and then stretched out her hand to push towards the door.

"Wait!" Gu Fenghua suddenly whispered, and his hand fiercely grasped the hilt of the sword!

Looking at the ancient ancestral hall in front of him, a kind of throbbing that he had never felt before appeared in Gu Fenghua's heart.

Ever since he obtained the first Phoenix Power, Gu Fenghua's six senses have become extremely sharp. Whenever danger comes, his heart will feel strangely throbbing, but it has never been as strong as today.

Although Luo Enen and others didn't know what was going on, they had a close connection with Gu Fenghua. Almost as soon as she spoke, strong uneasiness surged in her heart, and she reached out to hold the hilt of the sword.

Seeing that Zhen Fengliu was about to open the door, everyone's hearts were in their throats.

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