My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4335 4335 Moving is commonplace

Fortunately, Zhen Fengliu was arrogant, but she had already admired Gu Fenghua sincerely. Hearing her soft call, she didn't think much at all, and subconsciously stopped her hands in mid-air.

Seeing this, Luo Enen and others finally felt relieved.

"Fenghua, what happened?" Luo Enen let go of the hilt of the sword and asked in confusion.

"I'm not sure, but the power of this divine beast is probably not that simple." Gu Fenghua also breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression was still more solemn than ever before.

"Oh?" Luo Enen and others looked at the closed door curiously.

"Creak!" At this moment, the door suddenly opened.

A black mist poured out like a flood from a dam. In an instant, the bright sky turned dark, as if a heavy rain was approaching and dark clouds were gathering.

"Be careful!" Gu Fenghua and others shouted at Zhen Fengliu who was standing at the door.

In this black mist, they could faintly feel the unique pressure of the divine beast. There is no doubt that this is the power of the divine beast that Zhen Fengliu said, which is also the treasure of the Yelang Sect.

Logically speaking, since it is the treasure of the Yelang Sect, they should not have anything to worry about, but the current situation is obviously not normal. When the door suddenly opened and the black mist surged out, even Zhen Fengliu himself was shocked. Was he so frightened that he trembled and almost jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on?

Zhen Fengliu's reaction was not slow. He was just stunned for a moment, and immediately came to his senses. He flew back and drew his sword to make a long slash.

Although his cultivation level of the Third Grade Emperor Saint is not as good as that of Liang Yicheng after he recovered from his injury, he is not weak by any means. Moreover, he has experienced hundreds of battles and his actual combat experience is comparable to that of Gu Fenghua and others. Although this sword was shot in a hurry , but he exploded his strength to the extreme, only to hear a muffled roar, and there was a faint power of thunder.

Seeing such a sword, Liang Yicheng couldn't help but secretly nod his head with admiration in his heart.

However, this sword with all its strength slashed into the black mist, but it failed to cause any waves, as if it had struck into nothingness.

How is this going? Everyone was startled.

Before they could react, a huge force counterattacked along the sword light, hitting Zhen Fengliu's chest hard.

The latter groaned and was directly blasted away.

What a terrifying power! The rest of the people were also shocked.

Even if Zhen Fengliu's strength is no match for the power of the divine beast, and he slashes out with all his strength, he should be able to resist for a moment. However, in front of the power of the divine beast, his sword is useless and has no effect at all. The effect is as if the power of the thunder just now was illusory.

Just when everyone was shocked and inexplicable, the black mist, wrapped in the power of the divine beast, continued to surge towards the outside of the courtyard.

Without any time to think, Weng Yuanming, Liang Yicheng and others slapped him away at the same time.

From this, it is not difficult to see the gap between them and Zhen Fengliu. The situation just now was so sudden. Zhen Fengliu still had time to draw his sword in his haste, but they took action later and had no time to draw their sword.

Of course, this is also related to Yelang Sect's usual behavior. As the most prestigious dog-skin plaster in the Xuanji Territory, Yelang Sect has offended so many sects that it has been forced to move away from home again and again. Moving has become a common occurrence. As the sect leader, Zhen Fengliu has experienced so many things in his life. They fight fiercely, and their quickness in seeing opportunities when facing the enemy is incomparable to them. (This doesn’t seem to be something to be proud of.)

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