My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4353 4353 My heart sank to the bottom again

If it weren't for herself, Ye Yunji wouldn't have needed to peel off the blood and open the restriction. If he really died in front of her like this, she would regret it for the rest of her life. Even if she died, she would never be able to forgive herself and would always be trapped in the pain. Reincarnation.

The heaven and earth talisman formations were broken one after another, and the mighty power of heaven surged forward. The meridians in the body were broken one by one. Her body was already dripping with blood, and the seven orifices also gushed out with dazzling bright red, but the body wrapped in silk The long sword in the cloth still slashed out one sword after another without any hesitation.

But in the mid-air, strange lights were still flowing, like clouds filling the sky, and the heaven and earth talismans continued to fall.

"Master, mother, let's help you!" The voices of Jian Jian, Hei Yao and Ju Ju sounded in the ears.

Immediately, three naughty children stood in front of him.

"Huh..." The shiny black little bear cub transformed again, and in the blink of an eye he turned into an iron-eating beast with all white limbs, black limbs, black ears, and dazzling black eye circles.

Amidst the loud shouts, the little iron-eating beast rounded its arms and punched out.

"Bang!" Xiao Jianhua waved the vines and produced a green electric light.

The little fox swung several long fluffy tails, screamed sharply, and rushed towards the talisman formation that suddenly fell.

A strange light exploded violently, and under the joint attack of the three naughty children, the talisman array burst open.

Then, another talisman array fell, and was broken open in an instant under the almost crazy attack of the three naughty children.

Seeing this, Luo Enen and others' eyes lit up.

Because the three naughty children are all prehistoric alien species, and unlike other prehistoric alien species in Wuji Shengtian, they have grown up as early as tens of thousands of years ago when the disaster came... Oh, they have grown into beasts, so Wuji Shengtian The existing aura of heaven and earth cannot meet their needs for growth. Most of the time, the three little guys are in a daze, hiding in the demon pet space and falling asleep. Moreover, the bigger and stronger they grow, the more time they spend sleeping. It is extremely difficult for them to see these three little guys now.

However, every time they see them, they will turn the tide at the critical moment and bring them great surprises. This time, it seems, it is no exception!

Unfortunately, they were happy a little too early.

One way, two ways, three ways! After only blasting three heaven and earth talisman formations, the three naughty children were exhausted. Jianjian's vines as strong as fine gold were covered with cracks and oozed green blood. Obsidian's fists that were made of iron were dripping with blood. Juju's fox tail was fluffy and drooped weakly. It no longer had the arrogance of the past. , the light in his eyes was even more scattered, and there was no trace of charm.

Another heaven and earth talisman formation fell, and the vines tightened violently. With a soft "bang" sound, the vines were loosened like a bow string, and thorns like steel needles flew out, and the huge flower disk swayed. A piece of poisonous juice was sprayed out with a "swish" sound.

Obsidian followed closely behind, hitting the talisman formation with both fists at the same time. The bloody wound suddenly burst open, revealing white bones.

Ju Ju rushed forward crazily, waving his two sharp claws like the wind, grabbing at the talisman formation again and again. The huge force came back, and the sharp fox claws were broken and bloody, and the sharp screams also changed. So sad.

Finally, the talisman array broke open, and the huge power was like a volcano erupting. The three naughty children screamed and were blasted back to the demon pet space.

Luo Enen and others lost all their joy, their eyes darkened, and their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley again.

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