My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4354 4354 There is only one way to die

Seeing this scene, of course they knew that they were happy too early.

If the three naughty children have grown up, they may still be able to compete with this talisman array, but they have only entered the growth stage now, how can they withstand such a power of heaven and earth? To be able to persist until now and break through the four heaven and earth talisman formations is already a miracle for them!

Thunder roared in the sky, and the heaven and earth talismans continued to fall. Without the help of the three demon pets, Gu Fenghua could only continue to face the mighty power of heaven alone.

The golden needle pricked, the long sword slashed out... The blood in the body seemed to be drained, the holy energy was gradually drying up, the four innate Holy Spirit roots were constantly withering, and even the pure land of the spiritual heart was gradually drying up and cracking. Gu Fenghua didn't know how long he could hold on. In fact, her soul was constantly being torn apart, and she was no longer able to think. She only relied on her last bit of wisdom, incomparable persistence, and painstaking support.

However, no matter whether a human Saint Master or a monster, no matter how powerful they are, their potential is always limited and will eventually be exhausted, and Gu Fenghua will be no exception.

Another talisman array fell from the sky, and Gu Fenghua slashed with sword light. But this time, the qi light exploded and streamed light flew, and the sword light shattered into pieces again. The talisman array only trembled fiercely, causing a rainbow-like ripple, and then continued to bombard Ye Yunji.

Gu Fenghua's body shook, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. Several meridians in his body burst at the same time, and the pain that poured into his mind was a little stronger.

Under the severe pain, she regained some consciousness, glanced at Ye Yunji, gritted her teeth, flew up, and rushed towards the talisman array.

She knew that she was able to persist for so long not because she was stronger than Ye Yunji - in fact, even if she relied on the golden needle soul-piercing technique to forcibly upgrade her cultivation to the ninth level of Emperor Saint, when it came to her true combat power, she could not It may not be stronger than him. It's just because the limit of the world is Ye Yunji's life and death, so she can hold on longer. If she doesn't take the initiative, this talisman array will not harm her at all, and it can even help her understand the great road, which will help her in the future. Practice is of great benefit.

This also meant that if he faced him head-on, he might still be able to save his life, but if he allowed this talisman formation to fall on Ye Yunji, it would be more likely to end in disaster.

However, can one really save one's life? The meridians in her body were broken, the pure land of her spiritual heart dried up, the four innate Holy Spirit roots withered to the point where there was only a glimmer of life left, and the Holy Qi was so weak that she could barely lift the sword. Can you really save your life in the face of such terrifying power?

"Fenghua!" Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse could also see that Gu Fenghua was on the verge of running out of oil, and cried out sadly with tears streaming down his face.

They wanted to take action, but even if they had been promoted to the sixth level of Emperor Saint and had two or even three innate Holy Spirit roots, it would be impossible to recover for a while after being seriously injured like this. After struggling to hold up their bodies halfway, they fell heavily again. land.

"Lord Sect Leader!" Weng Yuanming and others were also in tears. Compared with Luo Enen and others, they were more seriously injured and were less able to take action.

Looking at the heaven and earth talisman formation that crashed into the sky, and looking at Gu Fenghua's exhausted and weaker figure, yet so resolute and indomitable, everyone's heart ached.

Closer, closer.

The whistling wind passed by his ears, bringing a bone-chilling chill. Gu Fenghua was getting closer and closer to the heaven and earth talisman formation.

She could clearly see every light pattern in the talisman array, feel the wonderful and endless mysteries of heaven and earth, and at the same time, she could also feel the approach of death. Based on his current situation, it seems that he cannot withstand the power of heaven and earth, and there is only one way to die.

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