My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4358 4358 Tears fell silently

Now, of course, she doesn't have enough time to use that set of seals. Even if she has time, the power of her bloodline is simply not enough. The only thing she can do is to use all her strength to attack the heart meridians. Once the heart meridians are broken, the restriction will be broken naturally!

Well, this is not a blessing at all, but a recipe for death. In Wuji Holy Heaven, no matter how strong a person is, once his heart is broken, he will definitely die. Even if his soul is immortal, he will not be able to regain his life.

But Gu Fenghua had no choice. This is her only chance and Ye Yunji's only chance.

"Crack", there was a soft sound in my mind.

After being promoted to the seventh level of Emperor Saint, her body's defense has been greatly improved again. Her heart is also indestructible to low-level saint masters. No matter how hard she tries, it can't be damaged at all. But for herself, her heart is still the most fragile. One of the key points.

The holy energy blasted away without reservation, and his heart pulse burst.

"Crack!" Almost at the same time, another soft sound came.

Breaking through, she finally broke through the last restriction.

The vitality dissipated quickly, but the endless, ethereal and vast power also poured out!

"Choke..." The divine sword was unsheathed, and with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, it slashed towards the heaven and earth talisman array.

Among the golden clouds that filled the sky, there were streaks of frost, snow and silver light.

The two sword lights complement each other, one is majestic and domineering, and the other is solemn and holy. They are intertwined, making them even more unstoppable.

Time stopped, and even the heaven and earth talisman array that was being bombarded in the air seemed to be frightened by the supreme power of these two swords and stopped in mid-air.

Finally, two sword rays struck the talisman formation at the same time!

There was a loud "boom" sound, like the sky and the earth falling apart.

The talisman array containing the power of heaven and earth exploded violently, and thousands of streams of light flew away, covering Ye Yunji and Gu Fenghua.

The strange thing is that despite such a loud noise, the ground was completely calm, and even the ancient ancestral hall did not shake at all. But when I looked up, I could only see the brilliant and dazzling light, but I couldn't see the figures of Ye Yunji and Gu Fenghua. Everyone was so nervous that it was hard to breathe and couldn't say a word.

Could it be that they were just reduced to ashes and died under the restrictions of heaven and earth! At this moment, everyone's hearts seemed to be completely torn into pieces, and the pain was so intense.

Tears fell silently, splashing beautiful water splashes on the ground.

Deathly silence enveloped the entire land.

Time passes so slowly, every breath seems like a century has passed.

I don’t know how long it took, but the light dissipated, and a tall and proud figure, and a charming and graceful figure, appeared in sight again!

"Fenghua is okay, Fenghua is okay!" Seeing Gu Fenghua's familiar figure again, Luo Enen cheered ecstatically. Tears burst out of his eyes again. Of course, this time it was tears of joy.

Beside them, Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse, Weng Yuanming and others were also crying with joy, even Zhen Fengliu and Liang Yicheng were no exception.

It stands to reason that given their age, they have already looked down upon life and death, as well as joys and sorrows many years ago. Even if they see their loved ones passing away in front of their eyes, they will not be moved by it. But at this moment, seeing Ye Yunji escape from death, , seeing Gu Fenghua safe and sound, they still couldn't help but burst into tears. Speaking of which, I'm afraid they will never shed more tears than they did today.

Floating in the sky, Ye Yunji held Gu Fenghua's hand tightly, her eyes filled with tenderness.

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