My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4359 4359 Fenghua, you can’t die!

Looking at Ye Yunji happily, Gu Fenghua also had a relieved smile on his face, so sweet. Because she unsheathed the divine sword at the last moment, he was unable to fully unleash the power of his bloodline and saved his life.

Her tense mind relaxed, the light in her eyes suddenly disappeared, and she fell on her back.

"Fenghua, what's wrong with you?" Ye Yunji's expression changed, and he instinctively grabbed her waist and hugged her up. His voice was trembling, and his eyes were more anxious than ever.

"It's long as fine." Gu Fenghua murmured, using up his last bit of strength, he pressed his blood into Ye Yunji's heart, closed his eyes in his arms, and moved his body Lean back weakly. Her long silver hair fluttered in the wind.

"Fenghua..." In mid-air, Ye Yunji let out a heart-rending scream and flew down like a shooting star while holding Gu Fenghua in his arms.

They had never heard Ye Yunji's heart-wrenching cry before. Luo Enen and others' hearts were shaken, and joyful smiles were all on their faces.

"What's wrong with Fenghua (Lord Sect Master)? What happened?" Before Ye Yunji could fly to the ground with Gu Fenghua in his arms, everyone rushed over anxiously.

However, as soon as they came closer, they stopped at the same time.

Even without using their spiritual senses to explore, they could feel that the vitality in Gu Fenghua's body was constantly dissipating. From the moment Ye Yunji let out that mournful scream to the moment she flew to the ground, in just a few breaths, most of the life in her body had dissipated!

For a moment, everyone looked dull, as if they were petrified, and they did not dare to take a step forward. In the end, Weng Yuanming suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, came forward with difficulty, stretched out his trembling fingers, and touched Gu Fenghua's pulse.

Immediately, his whole body was shaken as if he was electrocuted. He quickly opened his fingers and his face turned pale.

"How's Fenghua doing?" Luo Enen asked tremblingly.

"Master Sect Leader, she, she..." Before Weng Yuanming could finish his words, he grinned and choked silently, and two more lines of old tears fell on his face that was not yet dry.

The more he behaved like this, the more worried Luo Enen and others became. They made a concerted effort to reach out to Gu Fenghua's veins.

The already desolate backyard was once again dead silent, and everyone's faces were filled with deathly gray.

Gu Fenghua's meridians all over his body were broken, and his mind was in chaos. The heart veins were broken and torn into pieces!

If the meridians are just broken, there is still a way to cure it. Even if others can't cure it, there is always a way to find Alchemy Lord Situ Yunmiao. In fact, as long as the meridians heal a little and regain a little strength, Gu Fenghua himself can cure it.

His mind was in chaos, and although it was difficult to cure, at least his life was safe. If he looked slowly, there was always a glimmer of hope for treatment. Perhaps with his strong will, Gu Fenghua could regain his consciousness.

But the heart pulse is one of the most fatal points of a Saint Master. If it is injured like this, not to mention the seventh-grade Emperor Saint, even the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, or even the three strongest saints in the continent, most of them will not be able to escape. One death!

Everyone felt that their hearts were instantly tightened, and they were tightly entangled by a chain, so entangled that they could not beat, and the blood all over their bodies became cold because of this.

"No, no, Fenghua, you can't die!" Luo Enen suddenly shouted nervously, hugged Gu Fenghua with both hands, and didn't know where he got the strength to take her from Ye Yunji's arms.

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