My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4366 4366 But true self-confidence

The flow of spiritual energy was so slow that it was almost imperceptible, as if even time had stopped.

The vitality in Gu Fenghua's body finally stopped passing away, and there was still a faint smile on his flawless face. Gratifying, yet poignant.

Staring at Gu Fenghua in his arms, Ye Yunji finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the look between his brows was still solemn.

Just as Zhen Fengliu guessed, this ancestral hall, which was refined and combined with the art of refining weapons, does have a mysterious meaning that transcends the avenue of heaven and earth, but it is not complete. Gu Fenghua's vitality did not really stop flowing completely.

Although the passage of time was extremely slow, so slow that he could hardly notice it, he should not forget that her vitality had been greatly reduced before, and now there was probably less than a thousand left in her body. After a long time, her life was still difficult to save.

More importantly, the pure land of her spiritual heart has dried up. The four innate Holy Spirit roots have only the last trace of vitality left, and the soul is in chaos. The longer it is delayed, the lower the possibility of recovery. If those four innate Holy Spirit roots are completely withered, even if she is finally awakened, her cultivation will be completely ruined and there will be no possibility of cultivation.

"I want to lend you the demon spirit." Ye Yunji turned to look at the Nine Nether Demon Mirage and said in a deep voice.

The Nine Nether Demon Mirage was huddled motionless in the corner. It was suddenly startled when it heard Ye Yunji's words. It suddenly turned into a ball of black mist and rushed towards the center of the ancestral hall. At the same time, it let out a shrill and fear-filled scream.

Different from the common ancestral temples in his sect, this ancestral hall does not enshrine the spiritual tablets or portraits of the ancestors of the past generations. There is only an altar in the center, and there is no incense burner on the platform, only a broken sword. The blade of the sword was ancient, covered with scars and intertwined with canine teeth, and was broken into two pieces.

Amid the screams, the black mist flowed backwards like spring water, pouring into the broken sword at the end of the hilt, and there was no more sound.

It turns out that this broken sword is the treasure of the Yelang Sect, and it is also the real hiding place of the Nine Nether Demon Mirage. After all, it is just a demon spirit. Even if it is protected by the barrier of this ancestral hall, it will still be unable to escape the fate of its soul dissipating over time. Therefore, it always needs a body, and this ancient sword is equivalent to its body.

Ye Yunji was not surprised by Jiuyou Demon Mirage's actions and did not take action to stop it.

With a calm expression, he took out a bed carved from jade and carefully placed Gu Fenghua flat on it. Then he took two steps forward, came to the altar, and picked up the broken sword.

"Do you really think that hiding in this broken sword, I can't help you?" Ye Yunji said.

Although his voice was as calm as a cloud, it revealed strong confidence. This is not bluffing to confuse the Nine Nether Demon Mirage, but real confidence.

If this ancient sword was intact and the Nine Nether Demonic Mirage was hiding in it, he would have been unable to do anything with it for a while. But now that the ancient sword was covered in bruises and broken into two pieces, it would not be difficult for him to break the seal in the sword.

However, he didn't want to waste time, and the next thing would require the cooperation of Jiuyou Demon Mirage, so it would be best to make it willing to use it for him.

After the words fell, the ancient sword trembled violently, and it was easy to feel the fear of the Nine Nether Demon Mirage. This is normal. The mighty power of heaven and the sword that broke the sky really gave it too much shock and too much fear. Even those ancient strong men who could contend with the catastrophe of annihilation and save the entire continent may not be able to display such sword power.

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