My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4367 4367 is its only chance!

But fear is fear, even so, it did not take the initiative to show its body.

An ant can still live in vain, not to mention a primitive alien species whose intelligence is by no means inferior to that of humans or mythical beasts. Why did it establish a contract between heaven and earth with the founder of the Yelang Sect in the first place, and why was it willing to be used by the Yelang Sect? Isn't it because it wanted to keep its soul immortal? If the demon spirit is handed over to Ye Yunji, how can it survive?

"You have no choice!" Guessing Jiuyou Demon Mirage's thoughts, Ye Yunji said irresistibly.

"If you can help my blood return to its true form, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope." After a pause, Ye Yunji continued.

His expression was still so indifferent and aloof, but there was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind.

A glimmer of hope! The half-broken sword immediately stopped trembling. After a moment, the black mist filled and condensed, and the Nine Nether Demonic Mirage appeared in front of Ye Yunji again.

With its wisdom, it can certainly imagine that this half-broken sword cannot stop Ye Yunji at all. As long as he thinks about it, it will only be a matter of time before the seal is broken. By then, his soul will be shattered and he will never be reincarnated.

That glimmer of hope is its only chance!

Although judging from the word "maybe", this chance is probably so slim that it can be ignored, but having a chance is better than no chance, right?

Seeing that the Nine Nether Demonic Mirage finally chose to surrender, Ye Yunji didn't say much and slowly stretched out his hand to press on its head.

The runes flickered, and a halo appeared out of thin air.

Soul Sacrifice and Spiritual Contract! If Mo Qingqiu and other well-informed and extremely powerful people were present, they would definitely recognize that this is one of the most domineering contracts between heaven and earth among all monster beast contracts - the Soul Sacrifice Spirit Contract!

Once this contract is made, the monster will completely sacrifice its soul, everything, and even its life!

Monsters also have dignity, and so do the more powerful monsters, and divine beasts are no exception. Therefore, from ancient times to the present, soul sacrifice and spirit contracts have rarely been successful. Most monsters are willing to die rather than establish such a contract between heaven and earth.

Jiuyou Demon Mirage struggled for a moment and seemed to want to resist, but soon changed its mind and retracted its head honestly.

The mysterious halo shrouded Ye Yunji and it at the same time, and at the same time, it also connected their souls. Of course, Ye Yunji was the master and Jiuyou Demon Mirage was the slave.

The power of the demon spirit was no longer controlled by the Nine Nether Demon Mirage, and turned into a faint black energy, pouring into Ye Yunji's body along the palm of his hand.

Immediately, his whole body was shaken, his eyes were blank for a moment, and then, a strange light flashed.

The power of demonic spirits contains the necromantic energy from countless humans, monsters, and monster plants, which may be sad and despairing, grieving, unwilling, angry, or filled with hatred. All kinds of completely different emotions filled my heart at the same time, but they were all the same darkness.

At this moment, Ye Yunji also felt the pain of having his soul torn apart, and cold sweat rolled down his cheeks.

The black mist is getting thicker and thicker, and the whole ancestral hall is echoing with the resentful roars of thousands of dead souls, like long swords, piercing the eardrums, and like long saws, slowly sawing away the souls. open.

This kind of pain is of course a hundred or a thousand times more powerful than a sword directly piercing the heart or splitting the soul with a sword.

There was darkness in Ye Yunji's mind, and his entire soul gradually sank into despair, sorrow, anger and hatred. However, a bright and moving face always appeared clearly in the depths of his mind. "Looking" at those clear eyes without a trace of impurities, he always kept his spiritual platform intact, and even showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

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