My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4466 4466Only a fool would believe that it’s okay

They thought that Lu Linfeng was doomed to fail, and they were all ready to take action. Who would have expected that in a sudden turn of events, he would suddenly enter the stage of forming pills? How did he do it?

Their eyes stayed on Lu Linfeng's face, and their spiritual thoughts explored. Soon, they found the answer.

An invisible force was pouring into the alchemy furnace along his palms. It was obvious that he relied on this force to reach this point.

However, this power is so powerful, it is definitely not the power that a second-grade Xuansheng should have! Where does this power come from?

Liu Sanjue and Chen Ju'an definitely couldn't figure out the answer, but they still breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lu Linfeng save the day.

Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse suddenly thought of something, and their expressions changed drastically in an instant.

I remember that in Tianji Continent, Dean Ran Hongxue had to sacrifice his life force to make up for his lack of strength in order to help them refine the holy elixir.

Although he did not see Dean Ran's process of refining the elixir, it was clear that Lu Linfeng was forcibly refining the elixir using a secret method at this time, and the consequences were likely to be more serious than Ran Hongxue's sacrifice of his life force.

With Gu Fenghua's current vision and knowledge, such a secret technique of alchemy is actually not a secret technique to her. However, with her attainments in alchemy, there is no need to use such a secret technique, so she has never paid attention to it. , and have no idea how serious the consequences will be.

"Lin Feng, stop it!" Gu Fenghua didn't dare to think too much and shouted to Lu Linfeng in shock.

"Stop, stop it quickly!" Liu Sanjue didn't know what was going on yet, but when he saw the sudden change in expressions of Gu Fenghua and others, he guessed that something was wrong and shouted loudly.

"'s okay, don't worry..." Lu Linfeng tried to force out a smile, but his voice was trembling and there was no color on his face.

After all, only a fool would believe that everything is fine. Gu Fenghua rushed forward with a lunge.

"Poof!" At this moment, a soft muffled sound came from the furnace. The elixir fire disappeared, and the flickering runes dimmed immediately.

Fatty Bai and others also rushed up at this time, but they only took one step and stopped in place.

I thought that even if Lu Linfeng used the secret method, he would be destined to fail and explode the furnace, and once the huge medicinal power contained in the top-grade medicinal materials exploded, he would not be able to bear it at this time. Who would have thought that in the end it would be like this? Failure is indeed a failure, but there is no explosion at all, or it can be regarded as an explosion, but this power... Even if you refine the lowest level Xuanpin Shengdan, once it fails, it will explode. The furnace is not so weak.

Gu Fenghua also had a look of disbelief on her face. Her spiritual thoughts were far superior to ordinary people's and she was proficient in alchemy, so she felt it clearly. The furnace indeed exploded, and the power should have been earth-shattering, but it was quietly resolved by the invisible power in Lu Linfeng's palms. Then, that power also dissipated between heaven and earth.

What kind of power is this that is so powerful? Even if Lu Linfeng self-destructs the holy beads and self-destructs the blood essence and soul, it is impossible for him to explode with such tyrannical power based on his second-grade Xuansheng cultivation.

"Are you okay?" After a while, Gu Fenghua asked Lu Linfeng with a complicated expression.

I originally thought that Lu Linfeng was refining the holy elixir with the help of secret methods like Dean Ran, and the consequences might be more serious than Dean Ran sacrificing his life force. Who knew that it only took a moment for his face to gradually recover, although it was still slightly aggravated. Pale, but that's how he usually looks. No matter how you look at it, this secret method of alchemy has not had any adverse effects on him.

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