My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4467 4467 must be hiding some secret

Gu Fenghua thought she was well-informed, but at this moment she found that the young man in front of her was a little hard to understand. The only thing she could be sure of was that there must be some secret hidden in him, otherwise he would never be able to avert danger so easily.

Others also noticed something strange about Lu Linfeng, and they all looked surprised.

"You're not... okay?" Luo Enen walked over, looked Lu Linfeng up and down, and said in disbelief.

In fact, what she wanted to say more was, "You're actually not dead." She felt it was unlucky, so she changed her mind in time.

Lu Linfeng did not speak, but looked at Luo Enen blankly, his eyes full of questions, as if saying: What can happen to me, why should I get into trouble, what do you want to happen to me?

"Lin Feng, have you always made elixirs like this?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"That's right." After hearing Gu Fenghua's question, Lu Linfeng realized what they were surprised about and what they were wondering about, and then said, "This elixir method is called Nidanjue, and I accidentally found it in an ancient book. , it is said that it can overcome the limitations of cultivation and make holy elixirs that would otherwise be impossible to succeed, but it will damage the meridians, and if you are unlucky, it is also likely to damage the spiritual roots. However, I tried many times and found that it has no effect at all. Maybe it’s a mistake in the book.”

"Are you sure there is no impact at all?" Gu Fenghua asked.

Remember wrong? Regardless of cultivation or alchemy, it is impossible to achieve it overnight. To forcibly improve strength or alchemy, you must pay a price. This is the limit of heaven and earth, and there will be no exception even if you reach the supreme heaven. She didn't believe that the ancient book could remember it wrong.

"I'm sure." Lu Linfeng said without hesitation.

I remember that when he first tried the Inverse Pill Technique, he was very nervous. After repeated inspections, he unexpectedly discovered that none of the meridians in his body were damaged at all, and his spiritual roots were intact. Then he tried several times in fear, but with the same result, and finally he was completely relieved, thinking that there was an error in the records in the ancient books.

"I have also practiced alchemy and know some medical skills. Let me check it for you." Although Lu Linfeng said confidently, Gu Fenghua still felt uneasy.

"Oh." Lu Linfeng was unsuspecting of Gu Fenghua and subconsciously reached out his hand.

Gu Fenghua stretched out his fingers and put them on his pulse gate, and followed the exploration of the meridians with his spiritual thoughts. Once, twice, three times... What surprised Gu Fenghua was that Lu Linfeng's body was really not weird at all.

The only conclusion she could draw was that Lu Zhengting's hard work was not in vain. Lu Linfeng's qualifications were extremely good, even compared to those of Luo Enen and others after they had gone through many hardships, opportunities, and repeated pulse-breaking and marrow cleansing. let.

However, since he has such good qualifications, how can he be only at the second level of Xuansheng? Gu Fenghua was even more certain that there must be some secret hidden in Lu Linfeng's body, a secret that even he could not discover.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Fenghua concentrated his mind and continued to explore. Unfortunately, after dozens of explorations, he still found nothing.

"Senior Sister Gu, what's going on? Is there something wrong with my body?" Lu Linfeng finally couldn't help but ask.

"No." Gu Fenghua said firmly.

"Can you recite the reverse elixir formula to me?" After a pause, she said to Lu Linfeng again.

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