Previously, she concentrated her mind and checked Lu Linfeng's meridians, sea of ​​energy, and Holy Spirit roots over and over again. She did not notice anything strange, but at the moment when she stopped, her mind completely relaxed, and she felt a familiar aura.

Phoenix power! Gu Fenghua could hardly believe that he could feel the aura of the Phoenix Power on his body. So kind, as if he is connected by blood with her.

However, this aura was so violent and filled with hatred that even her heart palpitated.

In shock, Gu Fenghua's hand that had just retracted stretched out like lightning and grabbed Lu Linfeng's pulse gate.

The spiritual thought probed again, once, twice, three times... There was a stinging pain in his mind again, but after probing again and again, Gu Fenghua never noticed anything abnormal, that familiar yet familiar The unfamiliar scent completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

If it were anything else, Gu Fenghua might have suspected that she was hallucinating due to the exhaustion of her spiritual energy, but this time, she had no doubt at all.

That breath was so familiar, so intimate that it seemed like they were connected by blood. How could it be an illusion? Moreover, the rage and hatred in it were completely different from the four phoenix powers she had obtained before. It made her heart palpitate, and it couldn't be an illusion.

But why was it that I didn't notice it when I was concentrating on it, but I only felt its existence when I completely relaxed, and now it completely disappeared? Gu Fenghua was puzzled. The pain in her mind became more and more intense, and she could only retract her fingers helplessly.

"Fenghua, did you find something wrong?" Seeing Gu Fenghua's unusual behavior, Liu Sanjue asked worriedly.

His life was full of twists and turns, and he only had Lu Hanyu as his confidant. Lu Hanyu died unexpectedly, leaving only Lu Linfeng as his descendant. If anything happened, he might not even be able to see Lu Hanyu even when he was under Jiuquan.

"It's nothing serious, don't worry too much." Gu Fenghua could understand his mood and said comfortingly.

If it were the power of other divine beasts, she would still be worried, but since it is the power of the Phoenix, she is much more relieved. No matter how violent and full of hatred the aura was, Lu Linfeng had lived well for so many years, and if something unexpected happened, he would not wait until now.

If she guessed correctly, Lu Linfeng's meridians and spiritual roots were not damaged at all when he used the reverse elixir technique, also because of the power of the phoenix. To put it simply, he actually did not forcibly improve the holy energy and spiritual thoughts at all, but relied on the power of the Phoenix to forcibly refine the elixir, which naturally would not damage the meridians and spiritual roots.

It's just that this Phoenix power was hidden too deeply, so even he himself didn't notice it.

Liu Sanjue had long been impressed by Gu Fenghua's medical skills. Hearing what she said finally didn't worry him so much. But if it wasn't a serious problem, then naturally it would be a minor problem, and he still couldn't completely relax.

"I'll think of a way, but in short, nothing will happen to Lin Feng. Don't worry." Seeing his thoughts, Gu Fenghua said again.

Even if it wasn't for Lu Linfeng himself, but for the Phoenix Power, she would definitely find a way to unlock his secrets.

"Then it's Lao Fenghua." Liu Sanjue looked grateful and bowed respectfully to Gu Fenghua.

Lu Linfeng and Chen Juan both looked surprised.

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