My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4470 4470 It’s been a long time since I’ve been cared for like this.

Because Liu Sanjue was the oldest and had the aura of a worldly master, they initially regarded him as their elders and thought that Gu Fenghua and others were his juniors and would travel with him. Only now did I realize that in front of Gu Fenghua, Liu Sanjue didn't have any of the arrogance of his seniors. The respectful attitude he raised his hands and feet made him seem as if he was Gu Fenghua's junior.

"Senior Sister Gu, Senior Liu, I will take you to Xianyun Pavilion, where our Yunchuan Sect entertains distinguished guests. It is said that the spirit gathering formation was laid down by the founder of the sect." Looking at the sky getting darker, Lu Linfeng said to Gu Fenghua and others said.

"No need, just live here, it's still clean." Gu Fenghua said.

When their cultivation has reached their level, many people have been in seclusion for hundreds of years, but they may not be able to gain much. If they just rely on the spirit gathering formation, no matter how abundant the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is, it will be of little significance to them. What's more, they can't stay in Yunchuan Sect for too long, so there's no need to bother.

"Okay, then I'll clean the room." Lu Linfeng was young and straightforward, so he didn't try to persuade her.

"Take your time, drink the porridge and then clean up slowly." Luo Enen said.

"Porridge?" Gu Fenghua and others were startled.

"The barbecue is delicious, but it's a little greasy. Lin Feng is usually alone, so he definitely doesn't have the heart to get anything to eat. He just copes with one meal after another. Suddenly eating so much meat all at once is probably not good for his health. , so I just made some lotus seed porridge." Luo Enen said, looking at Lu Linfeng with eyes full of pity.

"Where did you get the pot?" Ye Wuse asked curiously. He could see clearly just now that the only pot in the kitchen had a hole smashed by Lu Linshan's group, but he didn't know what Miss Luo used to make porridge.

"I dug it out at the bottom of the cabinet. Don't worry, I washed it many times and it's clean. I can't kill you." Luo Enen said angrily.

Only then did Ye Wuse remember that there was indeed a dilapidated wooden cabinet in the kitchen. Probably because of their unexpected arrival, Lu Linshan's men did not have time to smash it, so they survived.

Lu Linfeng looked at Luo Enen in confusion: Is there a pot in the cabinet? He has moved here for several years and he didn't even notice it.

It's been a long time since his mother passed away, and he hasn't been cared for like this by anyone. His slightly pale and indifferent face became softer, his eyes were full of emotion, and his eye sockets were slightly red.

Soon, Luo Enen returned to the yard holding a porridge pot. The plump rice grains are crystal clear, like pearls, and the lotus seeds are as white as jade. The fresh rice and lotus fragrance mix together, refreshing.

Although they had just eaten several roast chickens and roast rabbits, Lu Linfeng and Chen Ju'an couldn't help but twitch their index fingers when they smelled the aroma of the porridge, and their stomachs growled unsatisfactorily.

"How about it? It smells good, doesn't it? It tastes even more delicious." Luo Enen was obviously very satisfied with this pot of lotus seed porridge. Hearing the growling in their stomachs, he said proudly.

"It smells good, but is it really edible?" Fatty Bai said in a very disgraceful way.

He actually admired Miss Luo's talent in cooking. No matter what kind of dishes she made, she could cook them with full color, fragrance and flavor, bringing great enjoyment to people's smell and taste. But the problem is that after eating it, the feeling of not being able to live or die is also unforgettable.

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