My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4592 4592 Gu Fenghua’s heart is cut by a knife

Phoenix power! They were certain that this ball of flame was the power of the mythical beast left behind by the legendary Phoenix bird after its death.

But I don’t know what the origin of this person is? Several people concentrated their eyes and looked at the back carefully. They could only vaguely see that it was a man, but nothing else could be seen. His moves may seem ordinary, but if you look closely, they are clear and subtle. Even a strong man like Lu Zhengting, a fifth-level Emperor Saint, can barely understand them, let alone those few. He was a far cry from the elders he was.

However, even though they did not know his identity or what was going on in front of them, they could not help but feel sad and inexplicably sympathize with the sadness and anger contained in the Phoenix Power. .

It could be seen that this Phoenix Power was obviously no match for the man. As he struck out one palm after another, the space was distorted and a restricted barrier was formed. The power of the Phoenix was imprisoned, and the swaying flames were like ice. The speed was getting slower and slower, gradually becoming still, and becoming more and more illusory. Maybe it wouldn't take long before it would completely disappear between heaven and earth.

What a powerful strength! Sympathy was nothing but sympathy. Seeing the man's strength, Lu Zhengting and others were more frightened.

There was no Holy Soul Orb appearing behind the man, so they couldn't tell what his cultivation level was. However, even the legendary power of the ancient phoenix was about to be scattered by his palm. Do they still have doubts about his strength?

Could it be the Holy Lord Lingji? Looking at the back figure, they quickly denied their guess. Although the back figure brought great pressure to people, and even made people dare not approach easily, the demeanor and demeanor were completely different from the Lingji Saint Lord they knew. Different, and more importantly, as the Holy Lord, how could he come to this barrier quietly? If he likes the Holy Fruit of Yunchuan, he can just come and get it, why bother to be as hesitant and sneaky as Teng Hongtu, fearing that even he will laugh at himself.

Could it be one of the other two Saint Kings? A few people thought for a while, shook their heads secretly, and quickly rejected this guess. You must know that the three saints each occupy a certain territory and maintain a delicate balance with each other. No one will easily step into the other's territory unless necessary. This can be regarded as a tacit understanding between the three.

No matter how tempting the Holy Fruit of Yunchuan or the Power of the Phoenix is, the other two Holy Lords will not break the tacit understanding and destroy the balance between them, unless they want to destroy the peace of Wuji Holy Heaven for tens of thousands of years. .

Besides, even Lingji Sage doesn’t know the secrets of Yunchuan Sect, let alone the other two Sage Lords?

However, if not the three holy kings, who would they be? Besides them, who has such strength?

Of course, the person's identity is still secondary. What worried them most was how could this person and the Phoenix Force appear in this barrier at the same time. Once this person defeated the Phoenix Force, what would he do next? If nothing unexpected happens, this sacred tree of Yunchuan will definitely not be saved. In order to keep the secret, the Yunchuan Sect will probably be doomed.

"One sword, kill the great wilderness!" Just when Lu Zhengting and others were confused and worried, Gu Fenghua had already flown out and slashed towards the man with one sword.

Seeing the phoenix fire becoming more and more illusory, and feeling the tragedy of its desperate struggle, Gu Fenghua's heart was cut by a knife, and he couldn't care less about the identity and origin of that person. Tears appeared in her eyes, and the flames of anger burned at the same time.

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