My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4593 4593 The role of soy sauce

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!" Of course Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse also pulled out their swords at the same time and flew forward to slash.

"Dragon sword, no honor!" Ye Yunji's expression became cold and majestic again, and the long sword shed a golden light.

Seeing this, Lu Zhengting and others stopped thinking about it and attacked at the same time.

With that person's unfathomable strength, of course he had noticed Gu Fenghua and others long ago, but he didn't pay attention to them at all and didn't bother to pay attention. But he didn't expect that these ants who didn't know the heights of the sky would dare to take the initiative before he took action, and he couldn't help but become furious.

"I don't know whether to live or die!" A low, hoarse roar sounded, and the man didn't even turn his head, and slapped him backwards with his palm.

Only then did Lu Zhengting and others realize how terrifying this man's strength was. It was just a casual slap of the palm, but it stirred up the wind and thunder, and the shadow of the palm fell towards them like a majestic mountain. Before they even reached the front, several of them were overwhelmed by the huge pressure and couldn't even lift their heads.

But in the face of this huge pressure, their holy energy, which had been condensed to the extreme, seemed so insignificant, like a mountain spring meeting a vast river.

"Boom!" There was only a muffled sound, and Lu Zhengting and the others felt as if they were hit by a boulder, flying high into the sky, and then landed heavily on the edge of the giant pit.

Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse were also knocked away. Although the situation was slightly better than that of Lu Zhengting and others, they still flew more than ten feet. After landing, they staggered back several steps before finally Stopped halfway up the slope.

Among all the people, only Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji could barely keep their bodies steady and fell three feet away behind the man.

Lu Zhengting and others wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths and looked down, with surprised expressions on their pale faces.

Ninth Grade Emperor Saint!

They had already seen the strength of the Ninth Grade Emperor Yeyunji, so there was nothing to be surprised about. But this time, not only Ye Yunji, but also Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse reached the ninth level of Emperor Saint with their joint sword. It was only then that they knew that the cultivation of these three people had actually reached the sixth level of Emperor Saint!

They had thought that if Luo Enen and the others could be friends with Gu Fenghua, their strength would certainly not be too weak. However, for someone like Gu Fenghui, who has cultivated to the seventh level of Emperor Saint at such a young age, he is not a genius that is rare in ten thousand years. No matter how strong Luo Enen and the others are, they will not be that strong. Naturally, they regarded Luo Enen and others as just following Gu Fenghua's side.

Who would have expected that they would reach the sixth level of Emperor Saint, only one level lower than Gu Fenghua. When did the so-called geniuses become so worthless?

If this is soy sauce, what should they be?

The Yunchuan Sect is called a middle-grade sect, but its strength is no less than that of a top-grade sect. As sect leaders or elders, they have their own pride, but at this moment, all their pride was shattered. Thinking about the hard work in this life , and then looked at the young faces of Luo Enen and Fatty Bai, they looked a little lifeless and dull. I have been practicing hard all my life, but I am not as good as a few young people in their twenties. It is really embarrassing!

"Cough, cough, that's awesome. Where does this guy come from?" Behind him, Liu Sanjue coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and said with a surprised look on his face.

At this time, Liu Sanjue still had no trace of the transcendent elegance of an outsider. His well-tailored holy robe was torn to pieces by the gravel, revealing the delicate ribs under his flanks. There were also several blood pockets on his forehead, and a long wisp of blood appeared on his forehead. His beard was stained with blood and dust, and he was extremely embarrassed.

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