My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4594 4594 I will spare your life.

Seeing his disgraced look, Lu Zhengting and others finally felt a little better: Fortunately, Gu Fenghua was not without soy sauce around him, at least the fate of this master of three arts was even more miserable than theirs.

Sure enough, using other people's pain to find happiness and comfort is not just Miss Luo's patent.

No longer feeling sorry for themselves, they put aside their distracting thoughts, looked away from Liu Sanjue, and looked down again.

"I didn't expect that there are such powerful people in Wuji Holy Heaven. I underestimated you." The man was also shocked by their joint attack and moved half a foot forward, but he still sat cross-legged and straight, with his back straight. , said with a hint of surprise in that low, hoarse voice.

Hearing his voice, Lu Zhengting and others were even more horrified.

Even if they are left aside, Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, and Ye Wuse's combined sword can be compared to the ninth grade Emperor Saint, and Ye Yunji is a real ninth grade Emperor Saint. This person With just a slap of his hand, he not only blocked the joint attack of the two ninth-grade Emperor Saints, but he was also unscathed by the sound.

How powerful he must be!

While talking, the man finally stood up slowly and turned around.

"Ah!" Liu Sanjue also crawled over and looked down at this time, finally seeing the man's face clearly, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lu Zhengting and several elders were shocked, and their expressions became even more horrified.

What a strange and terrifying face this is. Half of the face was full of bones and bones, with deep-set eye holes, clearly a skeleton, but the other side of the face was completely bone and flesh, with a divine light in the slender eyes. If this face was completely restored, it should be a middle-aged man with good facial features and an elegant temperament. However, there is only half of it, and the combination of bones and skulls gives people such a weird and terrifying feeling.

Not only his face, but also his body. Half of it was flesh and blood, while the other half was nothing but bones. Fortunately, everyone is very strong and has a rock-solid determination. Otherwise, after seeing such a scene, I would be scared to wake up from my dreams and never be able to sleep peacefully again.

The most unbelievable thing is that he is still alive and well after being injured like this, and he still has such great strength!

Lu Zhengting and others still held the long swords, but the hands holding the swords trembled involuntarily.

"Who are you?" Gu Fenghua looked at the other person with full vigilance and asked.

Although she remained calm and calm on the outside, there was already a turmoil in her heart. After just one fight, her internal organs shifted and her energy and blood surged. If her cultivation had not reached the ninth level of the Emperor Sage, and the exercises and sword skills she practiced were extremely extraordinary, her true combat power would have far exceeded that of the Emperor Sage. At level 7, her ending will never be any better than that of Luo Enen and others.

Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse were knocked back more than ten feet away. Their faces were all pale, and the entire arm holding the sword was seeping with thin bloodshot. It was obvious that the meridians were shattered, and there was no trace of blood for a moment. Gained the strength to fight again.

"Who are you?" The man did not answer her question, but looked at them with interest and asked.

"Gu Fenghua, Ye Yunji." Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji said.

"At such a young age, you are able to take over my palm of a hundred miles of immortality. Your qualifications are quite good. You have made a soul contract to follow me. I will spare your life," the middle-aged man said.

Only then did Lu Zhengting and others know that this person's name was Baili Changsheng, but after careful recall, it seemed that such a strong man had never appeared in Wuji Holy Heaven.

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