My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4676 4676 This is the legendary heart stabbing

I have to say, this maid is really an honest person! However, it turns out that the more honest people often hurt others the most.

"Pfft..." Someone finally laughed out loud and followed the sound, but it was Chi Yunting on the auction stage.

After being an elder for so many years, I don’t know how many auctions I have presided over. This is the first time I have seen such a joke. A low-grade Holy Spirit Stone that was rewarded actually had the nerve to take it back. He couldn't help it, he really couldn't help it.

"Haha, hahaha..." Seeing Chi Yunting laughing out loud, everyone in the audience laughed loudly at the same time regardless of their identity. Some people even squatted on the ground holding their stomachs.

Pu Jiaojiao was going crazy and wanted to strangle the maid to death, but others were honest, but not stupid. After saying that, she hurried back to the auction table. Looking at Chi Yunting who was laughing so hard that he was leaning forward and backward on the stage, and then looking at the guards in front of the stage who were laughing so hard that their shoulders were shaking, how could she dare to take action.

What an embarrassment, this time it’s really an embarrassment! Resisting the urge to vomit blood, Pu Jiaojiao turned around and walked towards the box.

"Take it." After being hit repeatedly and being severely humiliated by a little maid, Aunt Pu was in an extremely bad mood. She didn't like the Wu Shuangjian in her hand, so she threw it directly to Dongmen Xu.

Dongmen Xu didn't care if Pu Jiaojiao was cheated or not. Seeing that she finally captured Wu Shuangjian as he wished, he was so excited that he almost cried with joy. His mind went blank and he didn't notice Pu Jiaojiao's movements at all. , it was not until the long sword flew in front of him that he suddenly woke up. He quickly jumped out, grabbed the long sword in a hurry, and held it tightly in his arms.

"Be careful. I bought it for 400,000 yuan for the high-grade Holy Spirit Stone. If it breaks, it will hurt others if you don't break it." Luo Enen reminded him "kindly".

"Poof!" Pu Jiaojiao finally spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Heartache, she was indeed heartbroken, especially Luo Enen's words of comfort, it was like a long sword, piercing her heart fiercely, and stirring back and forth, round, round, and round again.

Heart-piercing, this is the legendary heart-piercing!

After quickly taking the holy elixir, Pu Jiaojiao glared at Luo Enen again, then stumbled back to the box with a sullen face.

"The next thing to be auctioned is a holy elixir..." After a while, Chi Yunting finally stopped laughing with difficulty and said with a serious face.

The honest maid came to the stage again carrying the tray.

The auction continued, the atmosphere in the venue became more and more lively, and biddings continued one after another.

However, Pu Jiaojiao calmed down and said nothing again. She only had a total of 400,000 Holy Spirit Stones, and she spent them all on Wu Shuangjian. It was not okay to be dishonest now.

"Lor En'en, Lor' En'en, I'll let you be proud for a while, and let's see how I deal with you later!" Pu Jiaojiao finally regained her breath, looked at the box opposite, cursed in a low voice through gritted teeth, and pinched with clenched fists. He didn't even notice the bleeding.

"Miss, why don't we go out first." Worried that she would do something unwise in anger, the two guards whispered.

Besides, after being tricked like this, what are you still doing here? Isn’t it embarrassing enough?

"No, what if my father hasn't arrived yet and they leave as soon as we leave?" Pu Jiaojiao said flatly.

"Okay, but these people are young and very powerful, and they are so cunning. Miss, you must not underestimate them. It's best to let them go for the time being and don't have any conflicts with them again." Seeing her insistence, the two guards were not good at it. I tried to persuade him again, but still reminded him tactfully.

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