My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4677 4677 can't arouse her interest at all

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Pu Jiaojiao nodded. Are you kidding me? She suffered such a big loss. She is not stupid, so how could she seek abuse again?

In all her life, she had never suffered such a big loss, but after suffering the loss, she could not do anything to others except stare. You can imagine the depression in Pu Jiaojiao's heart.

Subconsciously, he looked up at Dongmen Xu, only to see that this guy was holding Wu Shuangjian tightly, only focusing on his silly joy, as if he didn't even realize how wronged he was. As a result, Aunt Pu became even more depressed and looked at Dongmen Xu more and more unpleasantly.

"Hahahaha, this idiot woman actually fights with me to see if I can trick you to death, and how did I, Luo Enen, grow up?" In the box opposite, Luo Enen could not calm down for a long time, and was still there He proudly showed off his impressive achievements just now.

"How did you grow up?" Liu Sanjue asked curiously.

"I have been tricked from a young age. I don't even remember how many times I have been tricked. When it comes to the tricks of deceitful people, who in the world is more familiar with it than me? If she fights with me, then Aren't you looking for death?" Luo Enen said proudly.

"..." Cold sweat, like a summer rainstorm, rolled down Liu Sanjue's forehead: Being raised from a small pit to a big one, is this really something to be proud of?

Miss Luo's brain circuit is indeed very strange.

"Okay, okay, I don't know how many times I've been tricked by others. It's rare to trick someone once, what's the point of being proud of." Seeing Luo Enen exposing his shortcomings, but still being so content, Gu Fenghua said angrily. .

"Every time there is a first time, there will be a second time. I will never be cheated by others again. If I want to be cheated, I will cheat others." Luo Enen said with high spirits.

"Do you think other people are as stupid as Aunt Pu?" Fatty Bai habitually disagreed with Luo Enen.

"Huh, if you don't believe me, let's wait and see." Luo Enen glanced at Fatty Bai and said arrogantly.

"Yeah, yeah, we believe you." Gu Fenghua winked at Fatty Bai and encouraged him.

For Miss Luo, this can be regarded as an ambition. It is much better than thinking about eating all day long and waiting to die.

After finishing talking to Luo Enen, Gu Fenghua stopped talking and looked at the auction table intently.

Luo Enen and others knew that business was important and stopped playing around, and the room returned to tranquility.

One by one, the auction items were put on the market one after another, the bidding was endless, and the atmosphere in the venue became more and more lively. There were even two old men who were familiar with each other and they were so angry that they were fighting over a set of sword skills, and they almost started fighting on the spot.

But Gu Fenghua was secretly disappointed. Until now, the auction item containing the soul of the monster had not appeared. The holy elixir artifacts on the stage could not arouse her interest at all.

He didn't know when the auction item would appear, and Gu Fenghua gradually got bored of waiting.

"The next thing to be auctioned is a medicinal plant." After another auction ended, Chi Yunting pressed his hands and said solemnly.

As soon as they saw his actions, everyone knew that the medicinal plant to be auctioned next must be extraordinary, so they all fell silent and became quiet.

Chi Yunting uncovered the red silk on the tray, revealing an antique wooden box. When he opened the lid, a herb about a foot high appeared in front of him, as clear as ice and jade.

"What is this?" Immediately, several surprised questions rang out from the audience.

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