My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4705 4705 She won’t have a chance

"Yes, when it comes to forcibly sacrificing magic weapons, I'm afraid there is no holy magic that can compare with the Supreme Heaven's Mind Technique." Everyone in the audience quickly regained their composure and started talking in various directions.

"Jade Cauldron Sect, you said she is from the Jade Cauldron Sect?" Luo Enen opened her mouth in surprise, and quickly realized that now is not the time to care about Pu Jiaojiao's life and background. When she heard the comments from people around her, she He said worriedly, "Will she really succeed?"

Liu Sanjue said nothing, staring intently at Pu Jiaojiao's handprints, but he could not hide the worry in his eyes.

The old man next to him was right. When it comes to forcibly sacrificing magic weapons, there is probably no holy magic in this world that can compare with the Supreme Heavenly Heart Skill. As a former disciple of the Jade Cauldron Sect, he certainly knows this best.

"Don't worry, she won't have a chance." Just when Liu Sanjue was worried, Gu Fenghua suddenly said.

"Boom!" Almost at the same time she opened her mouth, a loud noise came, and Pu Jiaojiao's whole body was shaken, as if she had been hit by a boulder, and she flew out heavily.

"Ah..." Only then did Pu Jiaojiao let out a heart-rending scream.

Except for this scream, there was dead silence in the auction hall. No one thought that Pu Jiaojiao, who had used the magic from the heavens, would suddenly fail. You know, this is the most powerful secret technique for forcibly activating magic weapons. There is no one stronger than it in the entire Wuji Holy Heaven. How could she fail?

Pu Jiaojiao was knocked away by the Eight Wilderness Suppressing Demon Map, but the invisible power did not dissipate. It still surged towards her like a flood that broke a bank.

Surprised, everyone had no reaction at all - well, it wasn't really that they didn't react. With the strength of Chi Yunting and others, no matter how surprised they were, they couldn't be so slow. However, they could see that although Pu Jiaojiao's Supreme Mind Technique failed to destroy the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map, it was not completely useless. At least her life would not be in danger now. At most, her arms and legs would be broken. Hundreds of meridians have been cultivated to the point where they are all useless, so I am too lazy to save him.

Gu Fenghua and others were not the only ones who were disgusted to death by Aunt Pu. They were also disgusted. They wished she would suffer a little. If apart from breaking off her arms and legs, she had to cut off hundreds of meridians to repair them all. In addition, it would be great if she could be disfigured at the same time, so as to prevent her from being disgusting in the future.

That's all for adults, isn't she afraid of disgusting children?

Fortunately, Gu Fenghua didn't know what they were thinking, otherwise he would probably be filled with indignation and feel deeply unfair to Pu Jiaojiao: Others have already grown like that, and you still want others to be disfigured. Do you have any conscience or sympathy? ?

As a holy alchemist, although Gu Fenghua did not have the lofty ideal of hanging a pot to save the world, under the painstaking teachings of his grandfather, he never lost his true intention. How could he watch Pu Jiaojiao being seriously injured in front of his eyes? So, She looked away and turned her head decisively.

Amid the screams, Pu Jiaojiao was wrapped by the invisible force, flying towards her box like a dead leaf in a storm.

"Miss!" The two guards were shocked, and at the same time reached out to catch Pu Jiaojiao and neutralize the power for her.

Unfortunately, the power was too strong. As soon as their palms touched Pu Jiaojiao's back, their faces instantly turned pale, they let out a heavy groan, and stumbled back to both sides.

Pu Jiaojiao just paused slightly and continued to fly towards Dongmen Xu.

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