"Ah!" Even the two strong men in the Emperor Saint Realm couldn't catch Pu Jiaojiao, let alone himself. Dongmen Xu was so frightened that he almost lost his mind and let out a scream that was even more pitiful than Pu Jiaojiao.

He wanted to hide, but his cultivation was limited, so there was no way he could hide. There was only a muffled sound of "bang", and the two people had collided hard, and then rolled out like a gourd on the ground. They didn't stop until they hit the wall hard.

"Poof!" The two of them spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time and fell to the ground.

"Miss!" The two guards suppressed the blood in their chests and rushed forward again. They took out several healing pills as quickly as possible and gave them to Pu Jiaojiao. After thinking about it, one of them took out another one. Give it to Dongmen Xu.

No matter how disdainful he is to Dongmen Xu, he is still a person in the lady's room, so they can't just watch him die in front of their eyes, and after all, they are not Gu Fenghua, so they can't just turn away like this.

After a while, Pu Jiaojiao and Dongmen Xu regained their breath, their faces full of surprise.

"I'm not dead, I'm not dead!" Dongmen Xu looked down at himself in disbelief. His hands were still there, his feet were still there, and there was no big bloody hole in his chest.

Pu Jiaojiao was also surprised. She thought that even if she didn't die this time, she would not be able to escape the fate of having all her meridians broken, her bones broken, and her cultivation completely ruined. But he didn't expect that it was just that the five organs were displaced and dozens of meridians were severed. Although this kind of injury might be considered a serious injury to others, to her, it really was nothing.

This result was beyond everyone's expectation. Even Gu Fenghua found it incredible.

Although she has not experienced it personally, with her powerful spiritual mind, she can feel how powerful and terrifying that power is. Even with her seventh-grade Emperor Saint strength, she would probably have to concentrate all her energy to deal with that power.

With Pu Jiaojiao's little strength, she was able to withstand this force and not die, but also maintained her cultivation. How is this possible? By the way, there is also that good-for-nothing Dongmen Xu, whose injuries are even much lighter than Pu Jiaojiao's, which is even more difficult to understand.

Could it be that even King Yama could not look directly at the disgusting behavior of this pair of bitches and could only avoid them?

Putting aside this absurd idea, Gu Fenghua took a closer look at Dongmen Xu, and finally found that the Wu Shuang sword held tightly in his arms trembled slightly, and a rune of divine light flashed past.

An idea flashed in his mind, and Gu Fenghua finally realized that it was this sword that saved the pair of bitches.

Although strictly speaking it is not a divine weapon, Wu Shuangjian has some spirituality. He felt that the power of the Eight Wilderness Suppression Demon Map was too strong, so he used the power of the sword spirit to protect himself at the critical moment, and at the same time saved Pu Jiaojiao and Dongmenxu. It seemed that they had underestimated the Wu Shuang Sword before.

"They are lucky." Others also discovered the passing runes, guessed the reason, and said with emotion.

I have to say that there is a reason why such a bitch can survive until now. At least she is very lucky. On the other hand, if there hadn't been a little bit of good luck, this kind of bitch who was so annoying to everyone wouldn't have been able to survive until now.

"The Supreme Mind Skill is indeed well-deserved. Today is really an eye-opener." Luo Enencai didn't bother to think so much. Seeing that Pu Jiaojiao was not dead, he felt disappointed and said jokingly.

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