In the secret room, the faces of Zhu Sifang and others also changed drastically. They also did not expect that the ghost dragon's remnant soul was imprisoned in the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map.

Because the Ghost Dragon Clan is despised, ostracized and suppressed by the Dragon Clan and has lived in the dark abyss and swamp for many years, ordinary people only know that it is powerful, but not many people know how powerful it is. Zhu Sifang's ancestor was once a close attendant of the Holy Lord Lingji, and he was the president of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce, so his understanding of ghost dragons was far better than ordinary people.

As far as he knew, although the strength of the ghost dragon was not weak, it was only on par with the legendary twelve ferocious beasts. It was still far from the real dragons. And for the truly strong, such a ghost dragon was also Not too scary. What is really scary is actually the ghost dragons after death. If their souls are completely destroyed at that time, that's all. If their souls are immortal, they can explode with powerful power comparable to the dragons.

It is speculated that this is because the bloodline of the Sky-Swallowing Crocodile is too poor to fully integrate with the dragon bloodline. Therefore, when they are alive, they inherit more blood power from the Sky-Swallowing Crocodile. Only after death can the dragon bloodline truly awaken. Such beast souls are far more powerful and more powerful than the living ghost dragon. For terrible.

Although every time this power breaks out, the ghost dragon soul will become a little weaker, and after a few times it will be completely wiped out, but the question is, how many people in the world can withstand such power. That is the real power of the Dragon Clan!

"Not good!" After a brief moment of shock, Zhu Sifang stood up and rushed towards the auction hall.

The Yunhe Auction is held every year, and even he himself can't count how many times it has been held. Although accidents happen from time to time, there has never been a fatality. If Gu Fenghua died at the Yunhe Auction, not to mention how to explain it to the people behind her, it would also be a fatal blow to the reputation of the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce.

Zhu Sifang was so anxious that he channeled his holy energy to the extreme. He just dodged and reached the door.

He was fast, but he didn't expect that there was someone faster than him. Zhu Tongguang moved his feet and actually got ahead of him.

No matter how ineffective he is, he still knows how to think about the Chamber of Commerce and the overall situation. Looking at Zhu Tongguang's slightly vain but hurried back, Zhu Sifang felt happy for him for the first time in his life.

He knew that apart from being particularly fond of Ye Wuse and the fair and fat man, Zhu Tongguang didn't have any good impressions of Gu Fenghua and his group, and most likely wished they would die in front of his eyes. If he wasn't worried about the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce, why would he be so anxious?

However, with his little strength, what kind of help can he do if he rushes forward? It's almost like seeking death. Zhu Sifang quickened his pace and reached out to push him away.

At this moment, Zhu Tongguang suddenly stopped and stared at the auction table in shock.

Zhu Sifang subconsciously followed him and stopped suddenly, with a look of shock on his face.

In just a few breaths, the ghost dragon beast soul had already rushed in front of Gu Fenghua with its teeth and claws bared, its dragon-like figure moving like clouds and rain. The majesty of the ancient beast and the violence of the ancient beast were intertwined, arousing the deepest thoughts hidden in people's hearts. The fear everywhere makes it difficult to breathe.

At this critical moment, Gu Fenghua's face showed no trace of panic, let alone any fear. She tilted her body slightly and raised the long sword. The hand holding the sword hilt was so steady that it did not tremble at all, and her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Although such a monster soul is of great benefit to her in refining the power of the phoenix, it can even be said to be indispensable, but this ghost dragon beast soul is too strong. If she can't even save her life, how can she use it to refine the power of the phoenix? force?

The holy energy has been condensed to the extreme. As long as the ghost dragon advances a few inches, the long sword wrapped in silk cloth will slash out with all its strength.

"Ding!" At this moment, a clear and sweet sound came from his heart.

A colorful light spot appeared in the heart and reflected in the eyes of the ghost dragon beast soul. It was so pure, so brilliant, and so dignified.

Blood soul, this is Ye Yunji's blood soul.

In an instant, the ghost dragon seemed to be petrified and solidified in front of Gu Fenghua.

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