My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4713 4713 Scared the baby to death

Gu Fenghua's long sword, which was about to strike, also stopped in mid-air.

The picture freezes, and time seems to have stopped at this moment.

"What's going on?" Everyone was stunned and didn't know what to do for a moment.

The ghost dragon beast soul stared at Gu Fenghua for a long time, his eyes full of confusion, doubt, and at the same time, fear. After a long time, it slowly floated to the ground and fell down in front of Gu Fenghua. Its huge and ferocious head was also close to the ground, and it did not dare to raise its head to look at Gu Fenghua.

Surrender, for the monster, such a posture obviously means surrender, complete surrender!

There was silence in the auction house, and everyone was too surprised to speak.

I originally thought that Gu Fenghua was in danger, and even the miserable scene of her body being shattered to pieces and her soul flying to pieces appeared in my mind. Who knew that the ghost dragon beast soul actually chose to surrender.

She, how on earth did she do it? Everyone looked at Gu Fenghua with doubts.

On the auction stage, of course Gu Fenghua's sword would no longer strike, but his beautiful figure was still like an insurmountable mountain, giving people a sense of supreme majesty and holiness.

In everyone's hearts, a sense of awe could not help but arise.

Logically speaking, based on their status, they should not be in awe of such a young junior, but at this moment, the feeling is so strong that they even have a faint urge to worship him, but Respecting one's own identity, it was difficult to suppress it in my heart.

Finally, Gu Fenghua put away his sword and closed the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map in front of him. It can be seen that she did not make any hand seals or perform any weapon techniques, but the ghost dragon turned into a ray of blue light and returned to the scroll on its own.

Sure enough, sure enough, this is complete surrender.

It was only then that Luo Enen and Fatty Bai woke up from a dream and cheered together.

Although they had full confidence in Gu Fenghui's strength, based on their cultivation at this time, they also felt how powerful the Ghost Dragon Beast Soul was. I originally thought that even if Gu Fenghua could defeat it, it would definitely take a lot of effort and even pay a big price. I didn't expect that she could subdue the ghost dragon beast soul so easily.

Not only did they not expect it, but Gu Fenghua himself was also surprised. It was only then that she realized how noble the bloodline of the Yeyunji Holy Dragon clan was. Just because she had his blood, this ghost dragon with half of the dragon clan's bloodline obediently surrendered, and even gave birth to no more children. Show no resistance at all.

Ye Yunji's stern face and gentle smile seemed to appear before his eyes again. Gu Fenghua pressed his chest gently, seeming to feel the familiar warmth again, and a warm smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's okay, it's okay." At the door of the secret room, Zhu Sifang finally breathed a long sigh of relief and murmured happily to himself.

"I scared the baby to death, but I scared the baby to death. Fortunately, the little girl didn't rush forward, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do." Zhu Tongguang also patted his chest and said happily.

Baby... Zhu Sifang stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

He originally thought that Zhu Tongguang was worried about Gu Fenghua's safety because of the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce, and he was secretly relieved about it. Who knows, but he was not worried about Gu Fenghua at all, but Xiao Sese - oh no, it was Ye Wuse.

God, you might as well strike me to death with a thunderbolt!

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