My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4757 4757 So you are so resistant to being beaten?

Could it be a protective magical weapon or a divine weapon? Several people secretly guessed. Zhong Lingjun is gorgeously dressed, has such an arrogant temperament, and is young. He carries hundreds of thousands of high-grade Holy Spirit Stones on his body. He does have the ability to be arrogant. So, it would be unreasonable for him to carry one or two protective magic weapons or even divine weapons. normal.

But the problem is, not to mention other people, not even Gu Fenghua noticed the Qi of the magic weapon, let alone the spiritual meaning of the magic weapon. What exactly is going on?

"It seems that I underestimated you. It's interesting. Now it's interesting." Luo Enen stabilized his body and was equally surprised, but besides that, he was more excited.

Although I finally found an opportunity to take action, my opponent was too weak and it was pointless to torture him. At best, it was better than nothing. So when she kicked out just now, she wasn't too interested, but she didn't expect that Zhong Lingjun would bring her such a big surprise.

As soon as she finished speaking, Miss Luo licked her lips and, like a hungry jackal seeing a little sheep, she pounced on it again with great excitement and enthusiasm.

"Bitch, you dare to hit me, you dare to hit me, I'm going to kill you!" Zhong Lingjun also stopped at this time, pulled out his sword, and rushed towards Luo Enen like crazy.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but frown. I thought that Zhong Lingjun should have known how powerful Luo Enen was because he suffered a lot, but who knew that this guy was still so reckless.

Originally, she wanted to persuade Luo Enen to be merciful, but now she was too lazy to speak. She has seen a lot of young, arrogant and domineering people. She has seen people even more arrogant than Zhong Lingjun. But at least others still have some discernment. Once they step on the iron plate, they will immediately know how to behave like Zhong Lingjun. Yes, this was her first time seeing it.

Fortunately, he met his own group of people. If he met other strong men of the sixth and seventh levels of the Emperor Saint, nine lives would not be enough to kill him. It is also for his own good to let him learn a lesson in advance.

"Sir, stop it, stop it quickly!" Seeing that Zhong Lingjun not only took action, but also dared to draw his sword, Fu Qingjiang was so frightened that he almost lost his mind.

Even though Luo Enen's kick just now concealed most of her strength, he could still see that her strength was not lower than that of the Emperor Saint at the very least, and Zhong Lingjun could not compete with her. He actually dares to draw his sword. Isn't this looking for death?

Unfortunately, Zhong Lingjun was in a rage and would not pay attention to him. He spread out the sword in his hand and stabbed Luo Enen mercilessly.

Fu Qingjiang was very anxious when he saw this. He gritted his teeth and flew between the two of them. In anxiety, his holy energy circulated to the extreme, and a golden holy bead appeared between his eyebrows.

The first grade of Emperor Saint. Gu Fenghua and others had previously seen him being submissive and being scolded like a dog by Zhong Lingjun, but they did not expect that he actually had the cultivation level of the Emperor Saint.

However, such strength was still too weak in front of them. Luo Enen passed by him in a flash, and then kicked Zhong Lingjun again.

Knowing that there was something weird about him, Miss Luo used 50% of her holy energy this time, only to hear Zhong Lingjun scream and hit the wall hard again.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you, kill you." But soon, he got up again, roared loudly, raised his sword and rushed towards Lorne again.

Gu Fenghua and others were surprised again. Everyone could see that Luo Enen's kick was obviously much stronger than the last time. I am afraid that an ordinary first- and second-grade Emperor Saint might have to vomit blood after receiving such a kick. Falling to the ground, Zhong Lingjun looked normal except for his face turning a little pale.

Could it be that this is the legendary Xiaoqiang who cannot be killed?

"Haha, you are so resistant to being beaten. Okay, great!" Luo Enen's eyes sparkled and she became even more excited.

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