My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4758 4758 I don’t want to make him so embarrassed

Generally speaking, those who are too weak will not be beaten and cannot experience the pleasure of torturing others. Those who are too strong will be evenly matched and it will be a life and death fight. Even if they win, they will not be able to experience the pleasure of torturing others. People's fun. So as she becomes stronger and stronger, Miss Luo has less and less fun.

A target of abuse like Zhong Lingjun, who is obviously pitifully weak but can't be beaten to death like Xiaoqiang, is simply worth a fortune to her!

Afraid that Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse would see Hunter Xinxi and come to snatch her away, Luo Enen quickly rushed towards Zhong Lingjun before he could reach her.

"Stop, Miss Luo, please stop!" Fu Qingjiang stood stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth, and drew out his sword with a look of absolute determination.

If he couldn't stop Zhong Lingjun, he could only stop Luo Enen. Although he had already seen from Luo Enen's movement just now, her strength was not only far better than Zhong Lingjun, but also far better than himself. Even if he tried his best, he could not stop her at all, but as a member of the Zhong family, Servant, my little master fights with others, he must always stand aside and watch with cold eyes.

But he also knew very well that taking action himself was not a wise decision. Zhong Lingjun is young and his strength is low. Luo Enen will definitely not take him seriously, and naturally there is no need to kill him. But not only is he not young, but his cultivation has reached the realm of Emperor Saint. Once he takes action, the original battle of spirits will become more murderous, and Luo Enen may not be merciful to him.

But it won't work if he doesn't take action. If he doesn't take action, God knows how much Zhong Lingjun will hate him afterwards. He is afraid that even a spittle will drown him alive. It's all death anyway, so it's better to die happily.

With such determination, Fu Qingjiang rushed towards Luo Enen.

However, as soon as he took a step forward, he felt his heart go numb and his whole body instantly became soft. Fu Qingjiang slowly turned around and saw Gu Fenghua's beautiful eyes full of consideration and sympathy. Then he fell to the ground and fainted.

If you were an ordinary sect disciple, it would be difficult to understand Fu Qingjiang's complex feelings that it was either no action or death anyway. On the contrary, Gu Fenghua, who came from a wealthy family and was well aware of the sufferings of his subordinates, could understand better. I don't want to put him in such a difficult situation, so I can only help him in this way.

Even if Fu Qingjiang tried his best, he could not stop Luo Enen at all, not to mention that he had already been knocked down by Gu Fenghua? With just one stride, Miss Luo rushed to Zhong Lingjun again, raised her arm, and slapped him in the face.

In fact, when Zhong Lingjun waved his claws and wanted to slap Gu Fenghua in the face, she wanted to slap him away, but she was afraid of being robbed of the opportunity, so she chose to use her legs. Compared with hands, legs always have to be longer. So from a certain perspective, Miss Luo's slap could be considered to have been prepared for a long time.

"Ouch!" Without any suspense, Zhong Lingjun howled miserably and flew away like a kite with its string broken.

Even Xiaoqiang is not really invincible. Zhong Lingjun resists beatings, but he will still get hurt when he should.

He hit the ground with a thud, and four bright red fingerprints quickly swelled up on his face. Hey, there used to be five fingerprints on someone's face when slapped on their face, why did it become four this time? Well, this guy is as skinny as a chicken, and his face is too pointed and too small to be covered by a slap.

"You, you dare to hit me in the face, you dare to hit me in the face?" In pain, Zhong Lingjun finally stopped rushing forward, covered his face and looked at Luo Enen in disbelief.

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