My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4760 4760 Let’s see if you cry or not?

Looking at the posture of beating and scolding, her quick, accurate and steady punches and kicks didn't go through her head at all. They were completely subconscious, or an instinct.

However, you have to bully many people and beat them up before you can develop such an instinct.

Involuntarily looking at Zhong Lingjun, the maid's eyes were full of pity: "It's not good to provoke anyone. If you have to provoke such a ruthless person, aren't you asking for trouble?"

Obviously, she still couldn't truly understand the pain Zhong Lingjun was suffering at this time. How could this be so easy as asking for trouble? It was clear that she was in so much pain that it was even worse than death.

At this time, Zhong Lingjun was already lying on the ground, rolling all over the floor after being beaten by Luo Enen - oh no, he didn't even have the strength to roll anymore, he just curled up into a ball like a shrimp, letting the ruthless His fists and kicks fell on his body like a storm, and he let out feeble moans one after another. As for the cruel words, of course he would never let them out again.

The heart-piercing pain flooded into my mind like a tide, and each wave was stronger than the last. Every muscle in his body seemed to be torn apart, and every bone in his body seemed to be shattered. Under such pain, he really wanted to cut off his heart and die directly.

However, the severe pain hit him in waves, and he almost had no strength to howl, so how could he have the strength to cut off his own heart?

"Don't fight, I was wrong, please don't fight again." Finally, Zhong Lingjun used all his strength and cried bitterly.

God has proved that he is really not a weakling, and he really doesn't want to bow his head, but there is no way. This woman is too cruel and cruel, and he can't do it even if he doesn't bow his head.

While speaking, Zhong Lingjun raised his head.

"Ah!" The maid covered her mouth and screamed.

Oh my God, is this really a human face? The two black eyes were swollen high, and the eyelids were stuck together, leaving only two thin slits exposed, with bright red blood oozing out of them. Half of the black face was swollen like a black steamed bun, while the other half was swollen. It collapsed and tilted to the side, and the nose was twisted accordingly. Two lines of blood flowed from the nostrils, and the lips were full of cracks and swollen like a sausage with its skin bursting in a frying pan. This face, no matter how you look at it, looks like the legendary green-faced pig demon known for its ferocity and cruelty. Oh no, no, no, it is uglier and more ferocious than the green-faced pig demon.

It's over, it's over, I'm definitely going to have nightmares tonight, and maybe I'll have nightmares for a long time to come! The maid's already pale face turned even whiter with fear.

What does it mean to be too miserable to look at? This is called too horrible to look at!

Seeing Zhong Lingjun's miserable condition, not to mention the maid, even Gu Fenghua and others couldn't help but turn their heads and sighed softly in their hearts: It seems that Luo Enen was really depressed, and she actually fell into such a heavy pain. Poisonous hand!

"Actually, there is no need to blame yourself so much. Look at your tears. Okay, okay, don't cry. Just know that you were wrong. Don't do this again next time. My lord has a lot of money, and I won't follow you again. You care about it." Luo Enen's violent factor was fully released, and she felt refreshed and comfortable. She didn't notice the weird expressions of Gu Fenghua and others at all, but she noticed the tears streaming down Zhong Lingjun's face. Zhuzi, then waved his hand and said to him magnanimously.

Zhong Lingjun was already shivering in pain, but when he heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched hard: "Who the hell is blaming yourself? I'm in pain, okay? Why don't you take the beating instead of me?" Do you cry or not?

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