My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4761 4761 beat people up like this

Of course, he only dared to think about this in his mind and never dared to say it out loud. After this beating, he finally recognized the true face of Miss Luo. He knew that this woman, who didn't look much older than him, would never be as generous as she appeared. If he said anything unpleasant again, If so, I still don’t know how she will torture and destroy him.

It is indeed an eternal saying that good people come out of yellow wattle branches. In just a short time, Mr. Zhong, who had been arrogant since he was a child, has grown up a lot, and he actually understands the wise saying that people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"Hey, aren't you going to say something?" Seeing Zhong Lingjun lowering his head and saying nothing, Luo Enen frowned and asked.

If it were someone else who was beaten like this, when he heard that he would no longer care about him, he would be overjoyed and grateful to him. It would be better for him to not even fart like a gourd, too much No expression left.

"What did you say?" Zhong Lingjun looked at Luo Enen inexplicably.

Luo Enen also looked at Zhong Lingjun and expressed with his eyes: Thank me. Of course, you should thank me for not killing me at this time, otherwise what else can you say?

It's a pity that Zhong Lingjun obviously has no talent and understanding, so when he saw her winking, he became even more confused. He had never been beaten since he was a child, let alone such a severe beating. He didn't know what to say at this time.

"Forget it, forget it, you don't have to thank me. I am a kind-hearted lady and have always been lenient towards others. It's not that I am merciful to you. Let's forget about today's matter. I won't take it to heart, and neither will you. There's no need to be frightened." Luo Enen was completely defeated by Zhong Lingjun's slowness and could only wave his hands and said more "magnanimously".

Zhong Lingjun opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time: Thank you, when did I say thank you? Do you have a kind heart and are lenient towards others? Look at my face, look at my face carefully, is this what you call mercy?

If he could, he really wanted to crash into Luo Enen and die with her!

Next to them, Gu Fenghua and others also had a dark line: You have beaten people to this, and you still want others to thank you. Don't you think this is really too bullying?

"Aren't you leaving yet? Are you waiting for me to treat you to dinner?" Seeing Zhong Lingjun opening his mouth stupidly but still not saying a word, Luo Enen completely lost his patience and said impatiently.

"Let's go, I'm leaving now, let's go!" This time, Zhong Lingjun reacted quickly.

Thirty-six strategies are the best! After being beaten like this, no matter how expressionless or slow his reaction was, he still knew what the most important thing to do now was.

While talking, Zhong Lingjun stood up. But as soon as he moved, he felt as if all the bones in his body were falling apart, and the heartbreaking pain came again.

"Ouch!" Just halfway up, he let out a cry of pain and fell heavily to the ground.

"Fu Qingjiang, are you a dead person? Why don't you come over and help!" Zhong Lingjun shivered in pain and screamed loudly again.

She hated Fu Qingjiang even more in her heart. She was beaten like that just now, but he didn't come to help. Now he was still pretending to be deaf and dumb, wondering how to deal with him when he got back.

After a few curses, no one came forward to help him. Zhong Lingjun looked up and found that Fu Qingjiang had also fallen to the ground at some point, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"You, you killed him?" Zhong Lingjun turned pale with fright.

"I just taught him a lesson. He dared to sneak up from behind and didn't know whether to live or die!" Gu Fenghua said with a frosty face, and then kicked Fu Qingjiang in the body.

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