My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4765 4765 No wonder the charges are so high

With a slight tremor under his feet, the flying boat flew into the sky and flew towards the outside of the city.

Gu Fenghua's eyes lit up. You must know that although the Flying Boat is called a flying boat, it cannot actually fly. It can only skim along the ground a few feet above the ground. Therefore, the Flying Boats we rode in before were all parked outside the city. But this time when they arrived at Guzhou City, Duyun Feizhou was parked in the city. They were a little curious before, how to get out of the city before setting off?

Only then did I realize that this cloud-crossing flying boat was very different from the ones I had seen before. It could fly hundreds of feet above the ground. It was no wonder that the fee was so high.

Probably in order to save the Holy Spirit Stone, the Yundu Feizhou gradually fell after flying out of the city, but it was still several feet above the ground, and it still flew much higher than other Yundui Feizhou.

Since arriving in the Lingji Realm, everyone has not had time to appreciate the scenery of this continent. At this time, they were sitting in the cabin leisurely, looking at the scenery passing by outside the window. They only felt that the world was vast and vast, although the mountains and rivers were barren. It's a little taller, but it doesn't have a vast beauty.

As they gradually moved away from Guzhou City, the aura of heaven and earth became thinner and thinner, but the speed of Yun Feizhou did not slow down at all, and was even a little faster than them traveling on the wind. Without relying on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but relying entirely on the Holy Spirit Stone to activate the formation, it is possible to achieve such speed. I don't know how exquisite the formation of this cloud-crossing flying boat must be. Gu Fenghua and others were deeply shocked and a little curious at the same time.

However, this Yunhe Flying Boat has been a treasure passed down by the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce since ancient times, and it is also their cash cow. Of course, they will not let outsiders know its secrets. They are curious, but they have no idea of ​​finding out.

"Okay, we still have a long way to go, let's go back and practice." After admiring the beautiful scenery along the way for a while, Gu Fenghua looked away and said to Luo Enen and others.

With the help of the spirit gathering formation, the aura of heaven and earth in the room is several times stronger than that of Qingqiu Gorge and Chengyun Valley, and the ice and fire jade silk, blue jade pure soul jade, cangyun sky fire wood and other heaven and earth treasures in the room are a perfect match Cultivation is also very beneficial, and Gu Fenghua doesn't want to waste it in vain.

After all, it was a journey of several months. If they practiced hard, even if their holy energy would not improve much, it would still be of great benefit to them in consolidating their cultivation and realizing opportunities for breakthroughs. Although she already has the Zixiao Divine Fire, it is not difficult to find a breakthrough opportunity, and it can even be said to be achieved overnight, but it is not a bad thing if she can find a breakthrough opportunity through her own practice.

Moreover, the Zixiao Divine Fire, like the Jade Liquid Stone, cannot be used all the time. Every time it is used, it takes a period of time to accumulate spiritual power. As their cultivation level becomes higher and higher, this time becomes longer and longer.

This is still the realm of the Emperor's Saint. If one day the Emperor's Saint's limit is exceeded and he reaches the Supreme Heaven, the interval will surely be longer. If you rely too much on external forces and develop the bad habit of laziness, they may cry in the future.

"Well, let's go back to practice right now." Everyone stood up at the same time.

They also knew that by accompanying Gu Fenghua, the path of cultivation they wanted to take was completely different from that of others, and even beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Therefore, even the most unambitious Luo Enen kept saying that he would just eat and wait to die. , but he has never slacked off in cultivation.

"Dang, Dang, Dang." At this time, the sound of the door knocker ringing.

"Who is it?" Luo Enen asked subconsciously.

No one answered the door, and there was silence. But after a moment, the "clang, clang, clang" sound of the door knocking sounded again.

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