My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4766 4766She is obviously jealous, okay?

"Who is it?" Luo Enen asked again impatiently.

However, there was still no answer outside.

"Sound isolation formation." Ye Wuse reminded.

Only then did Luo Enen realize that this kind of upper room specially prepared for VIPs must be equipped with a soundproof array. No matter how loud her voice was, outsiders would not be able to hear the slightest sound.

Anyway, he was about to go back to his room to practice. Luo Enen was too lazy to think about the sound isolation formation. He went directly to open the door and said to himself as he walked: "Who could it be? Isn't that person named Zhong still not giving up? ?”

"Do you think it could be Zhu Tongguang?" Fatty Bai was silent for a moment and then said.

"Zhu Tongguang!" Luo Enen stopped abruptly.

Ye Wuse raised his eyebrows and his face turned cold.

On the way here, I had already made up my mind that if that guy still dared to pester me, I would teach him a lesson, but I didn't expect to see anyone from the beginning to the end.

"This guy, really doesn't know how to write the word "death"?" Luo Enen was also furious.

Seeing the indignation on Luo Enen's face, Ye Wuse was secretly moved. Although Miss Luo was usually unreasonable and had an outrageous bad temper, at this time, she was much more reliable than the fat white guy who only added insult to injury and only watched his jokes.

Who said Miss Luo is heartless? As the saying goes, the power of a long journey can be seen in people's hearts over time. Compared with Fatty Bai, her understanding and meaning are so many times stronger. Thinking about these years of staying together through life and death, Ye Wuse was so moved that his eyes became a little moist.

"Plop" behind him, Ye Wuse, who was moved to tears, fell to the ground.

Bullshit kindness, bullshit nature, she is obviously jealous, okay? However, this kind of thing can also lead to jealousy. I have to say that Sister Luo's brain circuit is really extraordinary. Gu Fenghua and others also had a dark streak.

"Hey, what are you doing here again?" Luo Enen opened the door angrily, and was about to punch and kick her, but saw the maid from before standing timidly at the door, so she quickly stopped and asked in surprise.

"I'm here to bring you lunch." The maid raised the food basket in her hand and gestured.

"Oh, thank you very much, come in." Lorne stepped aside.

Although with their cultivation level, it doesn't matter if they don't eat for several months or years. If they take the holy elixir, they can live for thousands of years without any serious problems, but even ordinary people may not find it interesting to live like this, let alone them like this A foodie?

The maid came to the short table and took out each exquisite food box from the basket.

When the lid of the box is opened, the alluring aroma fills the air and goes straight into the heart, making people move their index fingers.

Gu Fenghua and others were all surprised. Although they knew that the Spirit Realm was very different from the other two extreme realms when they were in the Yunchuan Sect, perhaps because of the difficulty of survival, the Saint Masters here knew better about the meaning of life. It’s valuable, and I know how to enjoy it more, I care more about eating, and the meals I cook are much more delicious.

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