My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4770 4770 That guy’s deep affection

God proved that they really didn't mean to discriminate against men. Wealthy families were used to seeing this kind of thing, and they didn't mean to discriminate against Zhu Tongguang. But if this kind of thing happened to their closest friends, it would still make them feel like a man. I feel uncomfortable all over my back.

"My lords, have you finished eating?" The atmosphere in the room was extremely weird. The maid felt restless and looked at the chopsticks that several people had dropped on the floor, and asked cautiously.

"If you don't want to eat it, take it away." Gu Fenghua said.

Thinking that these dishes were all made by Zhu Tongguang, how could they still eat them?

"Then I'll leave first. If you have anything to say, just give me an order." The maid bent over and put away the food box, wiped the short skirt spotless, and stood up to leave.

"Go ahead, and tell him to stop playing." Gu Fenghua gave another order as the sound of the piano became more harsh the more he listened to it.

"Yes." The maid was a little strange. Didn't she say that her breath was restless? The young master's song "Phoenix for Phoenix" is so good for calming the breath and soothing the mind. Why didn't she listen to it? But since it was a distinguished guest's order, of course she had no choice but to comply.

After the maid left with the food basket, several people in the room looked at each other, but they were all silent. The atmosphere was weird and depressing, like a volcano that had been dormant for thousands of years and was about to wake up and erupt with destructive power.

"Haha, this Mr. Zhu is really a seed of infatuation. It's so touching. Why doesn't anyone treat me so well?" Luo Enen has a quick temper and can't stand such an atmosphere. He takes the lead to break the dullness and laughs. said.

She had good intentions and wanted to calm down the atmosphere, but when her words fell into the ears of others, they were more heartbreaking than the sound of the piano.

"Luo, uh, uh!" Ye Wuseyi looked at Luo Enen with grief and anger, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

"I'll go back to practice." Luo Enen realized that he had said the wrong thing, stuck out his tongue, quickly opened the door and fled.

"I'm going to practice too." Seeing that the situation was not going well, Liu Sanjue quickly stepped out of the way.

"Wait for me, wait for me." Fatty Bai jumped out in a flash.

"I'm going to practice too." Ye Wuse glanced at these unloyal guys, said hello to Gu Fenghua angrily, and walked out with a dark face.

"Wuse, what do you want to do?" Seeing his unkind expression, Gu Fenghua asked worriedly.

"What can I do? What else can I do?" Ye Wuse pulled his hair and said distressedly.

If Zhu Tongguang still comes looking for death as lustfully as he did last time, he will definitely be considerate and help him out once again. But this time, no one else showed up at all. Taking the initiative to cook could be said to be a kind gesture. He was playing the piano and singing when he was free and didn't provoke anyone. What reason did he have to take action?

Even if he was so disgusted by that guy's affection that he would rather die than die, he could only endure it.

Gu Fenghua felt helpless when he encountered this kind of brown candy, but he felt relieved when he saw that Ye Wuse had not lost his mind.

After sending away Ye Wuse, who was feeling sulky and had nowhere to go, Gu Fenghua once again took out the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppression Map.

There are still a few months on the road. It is neither short nor long. Even if you practice hard, you will not gain much. The most urgent thing is to refine the power of the Phoenix, and to refine the power of the Phoenix, you need to With the help of ghost dragon beast soul.

But I don’t know what kind of gains and surprises will come from refining the last Phoenix Power? With anticipation, Gu Fenghua made his fingerprints again.

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