My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4771 4771 This is the most uncomfortable thing for him

Not long after Gu Fenghua and others left Guzhou City in a flying boat flying across the clouds, another group of people on the top of the city were also saying goodbye.

"Elder Ke, your injury is no longer serious, but it may be difficult to restore your previous cultivation. I will think of a solution for you when I return to the sect. Don't worry too much." Pu Duanyang felt a little ashamed. Said to Ke Yuanhua.

Ke Yuanhua's injury was really serious. Even the Jade Cauldron Sect's inherited medical skills and holy healing elixir could only repair his meridians and sea of ​​energy, but could not heal his severely damaged Holy Spirit root. His cultivation also fell from the fourth level of Emperor Saint to the first level of Emperor Saint, and he almost fell out of the realm of Emperor Saint.

After spending many days together, the two of them had some kind of friendship. Seeing him injured like this and unable to do anything about it, Bo Duanyang could not help but feel ashamed.

"Elder Pu, why don't you go to Zhan Xin Sect and stay there for a few days, just a few days, then I will take you back in person." Ke Yuanhua said anxiously.

Pu Duanyang said it euphemistically, but he could tell that his injury was probably incurable.

Zhan Xin Sect has been conquering all over the world in recent years, and more than three or five sects have been destroyed by him and slaughtered by him. People who are cruel to others are usually more cruel to themselves. This sentence is most suitable for him. Having seen too much bloodshed and the end of heroes, he was mentally prepared for such an outcome. After the initial grief, he quickly calmed down and accepted the reality.

However, if his strength fell from the fourth level of Emperor Saint to the first level of Emperor Saint, his status in Zhanxin Sect would definitely plummet. He didn't know how many looks he would receive in the future, and how much ridicule he would receive. This was the most uncomfortable thing for him. If he wants to keep his position, his only chance is to promote an alliance between the Zhanxin Sect and the Jade Cauldron Sect. However, after the battle last night, Pu Duanyang suddenly changed his mind and stopped going to fight against Xin Zong. Looking at this situation, the alliance is probably in trouble. How can Ke Yuanhua not be anxious?

"The sect has sent a message. There are some urgent matters that I need to go back to deal with. I will go to the Zhanxin Sect to visit another day." Pu Duanyang refused without hesitation.

Last night, Ke Yuanhua attacked Gu Fenghua, initially to stand up for Pu Jiaojiao, but later he heard Wen Yunhou talk about it and found out that they had a big feud.

He knew how the Zhan Xin Sect behaved. Over the years, anyone who dared to be their enemy, no matter who they were or what sect they were from, would eventually end up with their sect destroyed and their lives destroyed.

Gu Fenghua had offended the Zhanxin Sect because of the Chenxing Sect, and had already formed a big feud. Now that he had injured Ke Yuan like this, how could they let it go? If they let Gu Fenghua go like this, where would their reputation be? Therefore, it will definitely be a fight to the death in the end.

Pu Duanyang finally shook hands with Gu Fenghua and made peace, so why would he want to wade into this muddy water?

Compared to the ambitions and arrogance of everyone in the Zhanxin Sect, the Jade Cauldron Sect has kept a low profile in these years. Except for a few people like Pu Jiaojiao, everyone else is much calmer and more rational. Pu Duanyang knew that with Gu Fenghua's age and cultivation, his future achievements would never be inferior to those of the other emperors. If nothing unexpected happened, he might one day be able to compete with several saint emperors. He did not want to cause trouble to the Jade Cauldron Sect. A devastating disaster.

"Elder Pu..." Ke Yuanhua wanted to persuade again.

But as soon as he started talking, he was interrupted by Pu Duanyang.

"Elder Ke, just take good care of yourself and stop worrying about these trivial matters. As holy masters, cultivation is the most important thing. Everything else is trivial, trivial." Pu Duanyang laughed and said.

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