My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4773 4773 Luck is still pretty good

"Yes, Master." Wen Yunhou and others knew that although Ke Yuanhua's injury was almost healed, he had just recovered from the serious injury. It would be best if he could not use the holy energy, so they quickly took out the jade. Fu, prepare to summon other elders.

"Ding!" At this moment, the messenger talismans on several people made a clear sound at the same time.

This jade talisman is not only used as a message, but also as a warning. If someone encounters a strong enemy that is difficult to deal with and is in danger of life, he can ask for help from his fellow disciples around him.

Of course, such a communication talisman is expensive to make. Only the elders and core disciples of ordinary sects are qualified to wear it. Only a powerful sect like the Zhanxin Sect can have one in hand.

The messenger talismans on their bodies sounded at the same time. Either the sect had suffered a big change, or a fellow sect member was in danger. Several people stopped and picked up the messenger talismans on their bodies.


"The great elder was killed!"

"How is this possible? Isn't this old man a strong man of the seventh level of the Emperor's Saint? Who can hurt him?"

"Did you accidentally offend someone?"

"But even if you are Lord Envoy, you have to give our Zhan Xin Sect some face. How can we possibly hurt his life?" Exclaims and questions sounded one after another.

Teng Hongtu is the head of the five elders of the sect. The Zhanxin Sect can achieve its current status and prestige because of his great achievements. He can be said to be the pinnacle of the Zhanxin Sect. Although no one has heard from him since he traveled more than twenty years ago, no one has ever worried about his safety.

Putting aside the prestige of the Zhanxin Sect, Teng Hongtu’s own seventh-grade Emperor Saint cannot afford to be offended by ordinary strong men or sects. Not only did everyone in the Zhanxin Sect never worry about him, they even looked forward to him. Waiting for him to make further progress when he returns to the sect, leading the sect to greater glory.

Who would have thought that he would actually die, and he would die at the hands of others!

Who is it that has such strength and courage?

Soon, a strange light flashed, and an ethereal face appeared in front of his eyes. Young and beautiful, there seems to be a hint of natural weakness between her eyebrows, but her eyes are so sharp and cold.

"Gu Fenghua!" Several people exclaimed at the same time.

Everyone was shocked beyond belief when they saw the summons and learned about the death of the Great Elder Teng Hongtu. What shocked them even more was that the person mentioned in the summons talisman who was closely related to the death of the Great Elder turned out to be the same person yesterday. Gu Fenghua, who I just met in the evening.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that not only did she save the disciples of the Chenxing Sect and spoil our Zhanxin Sect's important affairs, she would also do this to Elder Teng. If we can't avenge the blood and hatred for Elder Teng, we, Zhanxin Sect, and everyone else will still have He Yanmian lives in this world, immediately send a message and report Gu Fenghua's whereabouts to the sect master." Ke Yuanhua ordered.

Wen Longyuan was not actually sure that Gu Fenghua was the real murderer of Teng Hongtu. He only knew that she must be related to Teng Hongtu's death, so he ordered the whole sect to search for her whereabouts and prepare to interrogate her in detail after catching her. But Ke Yuanhua knew her strength and personally experienced her ruthlessness. It was almost certain that Teng Hongtu would die in her hands.

"Also, I will also report to the sect master the matter of my injury at her hands." After thinking about it, Ke Yuanhua added.

Even Teng Hongtu died in Gu Fenghua's hands, so it was not a shame for him to be injured in her hands. It could even be said that he was defeated even though he was defeated, so there was no need to hide it anymore.

Speaking of this, his eyes even showed some unconcealable joy. In any case, he saved his life. Compared to Teng Hongtu, his luck was still very good.

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