Wen Yunhou and others quickly took out the jade talisman to send a message to the sect leader, with some inexplicable joy on their faces. If only Ke Yuanhua was seriously injured at the hands of Gu Fenghua, Zhan Xin Sect would not use all its strength to seek revenge. If several elders could not take advantage, maybe the sect leader would consider the overall situation and swallow this. Bad breath.

But even Elder Teng died at the hands of Gu Fenghua, and things were not that simple. You must know that the sect master and the elder were both friends and teachers, and it was all thanks to his great help that he was able to take the position of sect leader. Knowing who is the real culprit who killed the great elder, Mr. Zong will definitely avenge him at all costs.

No matter how powerful Gu Fenghua is, can he still be stronger than the entire Zhanxin Sect!

"Master, where are we going now?" Wen Yunhou asked after crushing the jade talisman in his hand to send back the news.

"Let's catch up and take a look!" Ke Yuanhua said murderously.

After receiving the news from him, the sect leader must have guessed that Teng Hongtu's death was not simply related to Gu Fenghua. In all likelihood, he died in her hands, and he would definitely lead several other elders personally. He and a group of strong men from the sect went to intercept and kill him. This time, Gu Fenghua will definitely die!

He had suffered such a big loss. How could he be willing to accept it if he couldn't see with his own eyes how Gu Fenghua died.

"Lor En'en, Lor' En'en! If I don't take this revenge, I, Zhong Lingjun, will never be a human being!" In another room in the cabin, Zhong Lingjun lay on the bed, his whole body trembling, and he said through gritted teeth.

Of course, there is more than one Ke Yuanhua who hates Gu Fenghua and others, and so does Zhong Lingjun, but he hates Luo Enen even more.

"Sir, don't talk. I'll help you heal your injuries first." Fu Qingjiang pressed his palm on his back, rubbing it gently while injecting holy energy into his meridians.

Although Zhong Lingjun's meridians and internal organs were intact, and his cultivation was not affected at all, his whole body was covered in bruises, with no intact place. It was as if every bone and meridian had been completely broken apart and then put back together again.

Cruel, too cruel! Just taking off his holy robe and taking a look, Fu Qingjiang knew why Zhong Lingjun grew up so fast. In less than half an hour, he understood the eternal truth that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. When faced with a ruthless character like Luo Enen, even the mighty King Kong wouldn't be able to resist him, not to mention Zhong Lingjun's delicate skin and tender flesh. When did the young master of the Zhong family, who grew up stretching out his hand for food and opening his mouth to soak in the honey jar, ever suffer like this?

The most frightening thing is that Luo Enen's punches and kicks seemed to be unorganized on the surface, but secretly, they placed restrictions on many key acupuncture points on Zhong Lingjun's body. It was extremely clever, but of course it was also extremely insidious.

Although such a restriction would not damage Zhong Lingjun's foundation, his holy energy was blocked. Even though he had already taken the healing holy pill, the power of the pill could not be circulated. If it continues like this, I'm afraid it will take two to three months for the injury to heal.

Fu Qingjiang had no choice but to take matters into his own hands and use his own holy energy to forcibly help him refine the elixir. In this way, Zhong Lingjun will inevitably suffer the pain of broken menstruation and broken bones again, but the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain, and it is worse than lying on the bed moaning and screaming for several months.

"Oh, be gentle, be gentle." As soon as Fu Qingjiang Shengqi entered his body, the heartbreaking pain hit him again. Zhong Lingjun trembled all over and let out another scream.

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