The most important thing is that realizing this Phoenix Fire is equivalent to finding a key - a key that can open the Phoenix family's bloodline treasure. From then on, she can enjoy all kinds of powerful holy methods of the Phoenix family. , all kinds of powerful innate magical powers, not limited by blood at all!

With a thought, Gu Fenghua controlled the flames to burn and sway, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes condensed into a line of fire like a sharp arrow flying, or like a light thread surrounding it, and he was so happy that he almost laughed wildly.

"Phoenix Divine Fire, this is the Phoenix Divine Fire!" The ghost dragon's voice came to his ears. Although he was weak, he could not conceal his shock.

Feeling the unique bloodline pressure of the Phoenix clan and the holy and pure agility, it could easily determine that the ever-changing flames dancing on Gu Fenghua's fingertips were the Phoenix Divine Fire.

How is this possible? Gu Fenghua is obviously a human Saint Master. How can he condense the Phoenix Divine Fire and control it so freely? You know, the Phoenix Divine Fire itself is the innate magical power of the Phoenix clan.

Even if she refines the powerful power left by the ancient Phoenix, it is only the power of her body. How can she comprehend the innate magical powers of the Phoenix clan? Even if the Phoenix Power originally contained part of the Phoenix Divine Fire, she should only be able to borrow the power of the Divine Fire. How could she control it so freely?

Staring at the flames beating like elves on Gu Fenghua's fingertips, Gui Jiao's eyes almost popped out.

"Hey, why are you still here?" Gu Fenghua finally noticed the presence of the ghost dragon and asked in surprise.

Why am I still here? In your opinion, is it normal for me to die from exhaustion? After all, I have helped you a lot, so you can’t expect me to be well? Ghost Jiao's heart suddenly surged with deep sadness.

What does it mean to burn bridges across the river, and what does the world mean? Gui Jiao experienced it personally for the first time in his life.

"What I mean is, why haven't you returned to the Bahuang Demon Suppression Map yet?" Seeing the sadness in its eyes, Gu Fenghua realized that his question was a bit ambiguous, so he explained again.

This guy's spiritual power is greatly damaged. If he doesn't quickly hide in the Bahuang Town Demon Map to cultivate, what is he still doing outside?

"I also want to go back, but look at me like this, can I still go back?" After hearing Gu Fenghua's explanation, Gui Jiao felt a little better, and lay on the ground listlessly, saying with a sad look on his face.

In order to help you refine the power of the phoenix, I almost exhausted my spiritual power, and even almost lost my soul. You, on the other hand, forgot about me as soon as you turned around, and now you have the nerve to ask me why I don't go back. I'm tired. Now that things are like this, can I go back? You heartless person... This last sentence was learned from a human woman tens of thousands of years ago, and Gui Jiao thought it was just right to apply it to Gu Fenghua.

"Oh, I'll take you back right now." Gu Fenghua patted his forehead and said sheepishly.

Although the Eight Wastelands Demon-Suppressing Map is not yet a true artifact, it has some spiritual meaning, and it also has the instinct of self-protection. If the ghost dragon had not lost much strength, it would not be difficult to go back. But now that it is exhausted and it is difficult to even move, how can it have that ability?

As soon as she thought about it, she was about to send the ghost dragon back to Bahuang Town Demon Map, but when she thought of something, she suddenly stopped and asked: "By the way, where is Qian Qiuxue?"

She had been busy refining the power of the phoenix before, and she hadn't had time to ask about Qian Qiuxue's whereabouts. She wanted to cross-examine her in detail when she was free, but looking at the ghost dragon's half-dead appearance, most likely he would fall into the trap once he returned to the Bahuang Town Demon Map. In her deep sleep, she didn't know when she would wake up, or even if she didn't wake up at all, she didn't dare to delay it.

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