My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4790 4790 You are so heartless!

Fortunately, the ghost dragon's spiritual power has been severely damaged and his spiritual thoughts are also sluggish. I don't know what Gu Fenghua is thinking, otherwise he will definitely feel sad again: Because of you, I have become like this, why can't you hope that I will be better? ? You are so heartless!

"Arctic ice field." The ghost dragon sacrificed the soul. Life and death only depended on Gu Fenghua's thoughts. He did not dare to show off and answered without hesitation.

"Arctic ice field?" Gu Fenghua frowned.

The Arctic Icefield is a wilderness located in the northernmost part of the Spiritual Realm. It is also the northernmost point of the entire Wuji Holy Heaven. It is frozen all year round and has an extremely cold climate. Qianqiu Snow is named after snow, so it is not surprising that it is hidden in the Arctic Icefield.

However, the Arctic ice sheet has a radius of more than a million miles, accounting for almost a quarter of the entire Wuji Holy Sky. Even if you know that Qianqiuxue is hidden in the Arctic ice sheet, where can you find it?

"The scenery of the Arctic ice field is very different from other places. I can't tell the specific location. Even if I did, you might not be able to find it. But when I get to the Arctic ice field, I will be able to find it." Ghost Dragon also knows his own. The answer would not satisfy Gu Fenghua, so he added another sentence.

This is true. According to Gu Fenghua's knowledge, the Arctic ice sheet is covered with snow all year round. It is a vast expanse of white as far as the eye can see. No matter how detailed the ghost dragon's instructions are, he may not be able to find it unless it personally leads the way.

Originally, she thought that it would not matter even if the ghost dragon returned to the Eight Wastelands Demon Suppressing Map and could not wake up for a while, or even never wake up again - monsters have their own blessings, and she, a human saint master, could not Do you have so much leisure time in kung fu? But in this case, she could no longer remain indifferent to Gui Jiao's life and death.

"Here are some Holy Xuan Lingxin Pills, Xuanyou Emperor Spirit Pills, Jade Dew Emperor Qing Pills, and, by the way, Jiuyang Emperor Vein Pills, which are more or less beneficial to cultivating the soul. Although you are a monster, taking them It should be beneficial and harmless in the future, so you can eat them all." Gu Fenghua took out dozens of bottles of holy pills in a flash, threw them to the ghost dragon with a wave of his hand, and added, "I forgot to tell you, I am still a holy elixir master. You can have as many of these holy elixirs as you want. You don’t have to save them for me. Just ask me for them after you finish."


It has to be said that at this time, Gu Fenghua completely showed the courage that a strong man of the seventh level of Emperor Saint should have. Especially when he threw the holy pill with a wave of his hand, he was so majestic that he could fight like a bull. Let anyone be impressed by it. However, looking at the bold look on her face, Gui Jiao's mood became even sadder.

Since there are so many holy elixirs like this, I was reluctant to take out one just now. Now that I heard that I need to lead the way to find Qian Qiuxue, you have to be as generous as possible. Who is this?

After being shamelessly defeated by Gu Fenghua, Gui Jiao was completely defeated by her philistine.

Alas, I am a descendant of the Dragon Clan, why would I sacrifice my noble soul to such a shameless philistine? I have completely lost the dignity of the Dragon Clan. The ghost dragon felt sad in his heart, but this time, he never had the thought of self-destructing his soul and finishing it off.

Frustration is not only the source of the growth of human saint masters, but also the source of the growth of monsters. The bottom line of dignity, after being mercilessly trampled by Gu Fenghua again and again, has long since fallen into the dust and cannot be picked up. How could Gui Jiao still have the thought of committing suicide.

When Gui Jiao put away the bottles of holy elixir without restraint, Gu Fenghua sent it back to the Bahuang Demon Map with a thought, and then looked out the porthole.

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