My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4791 4791Don’t disturb him

Ten miles away, an ancient small city appeared in sight. The city wall is low, and the incomplete wall bricks are full of traces of wind and rain erosion. It is likely that it has stood in this desolate plain for thousands of years. Although the distance was still far away, the sky was high and the clouds were light and the air was clear. Gu Fenghua could still clearly see the vigorous characters on the tower: Yunjin City.

The Duyun Feizhou is slowing down and heading towards Yunjin City. Calculating the time, it was almost halfway through the journey. Gu Fenghua probably didn't find it strange that the Yundu Feizhou would have to park for a few days to repair the formation. After all, this cloud-crossing flying boat does not rely on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but relies entirely on the Holy Spirit Stone to move. It has higher requirements for the formation, and the damage will definitely be faster and more serious under continuous operation.

Just as he was about to look away, his heart suddenly palpitated. Gu Fenghua clearly felt that a spiritual thought was coming towards Duyun Feizhou to investigate.

"What a powerful spiritual thought!" Gu Fenghua was slightly surprised.

Although the Yundu Feizhou had slowed down at this time and the restrictive enchantment had begun to close in an orderly manner, it was only the beginning and had not been completely closed. The spiritual thought actually penetrated the restrictive enchantment and penetrated into the cabin.

Gu Fenghua possesses the power of the phoenix, and her spiritual thoughts are far superior to those of the same level of holy masters. Even Luo Enen and Ye Wuse, who have always been by her side, cannot compare with her. However, this divine thought does not seem to be in her spiritual thoughts. under.

I don’t know who it is that has such a powerful divine mind? Gu Fenghua's curiosity aroused, and he concentrated his mind to explore the other party.

The two spiritual thoughts collided fiercely, and Gu Fenghua felt his soul tremble. Sure enough, as she had just noticed, the other party's spiritual consciousness was not weaker than hers, or slightly weaker, but the gap was extremely limited.

Gu Fenghua completely stopped being dismissive and kept her guard down. The other party seemed to be quite wary of her and did not dare to explore her at will.

The two spiritual thoughts silently confronted each other. After a long time, the spiritual thoughts quietly receded.

Seeing that the other party left on his own initiative, Gu Fenghua did not pursue him fiercely. Although she didn’t know who the other party was, except for the few envoys from the Spiritual Realm and some strong men who were hidden from the world, it was difficult for others to have such a powerful spiritual mind. Since everyone else had shown weakness, she also Too lazy to stir up trouble anymore.

Withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, Gu Fenghua opened the door.

These days, I have been bored in my room to comprehend the secrets of the Phoenix Demon Pill. I just took this opportunity to go out for some fresh air. Perhaps, I could also take a look at who the owner of the divine thought just now was.

After walking out of the door, Gu Fenghua looked at the closed doors next to and opposite him, and couldn't help but feel a little strange: Ye Wuse, Fatty Bai, and Liu Sanjue were just a few people, but Luo Enen had a restless temper. After practicing for so many days, I am afraid that I have reached my limit early. When I saw that the flying boat crossing the clouds was about to stop, I was afraid that I would be the first to rush out. Why are you so calm today?

There won't be anything wrong with cultivation, right? Thinking of this, Gu Fenghua became worried again.

Fortunately, just when she was secretly worried, the door diagonally opposite opened a little, revealing Lorne's delicate little face.

"Why did you go there?" Gu Fenghua asked strangely. If I remember correctly, it should be Liu Sanjue's room.

"Shh." Luo Enen made a silent gesture and waved to Gu Fenghua. When she arrived, she nervously gathered her energy and said, "The old magic stick is making a breakthrough, don't disturb him."

Upon hearing this, Gu Fenghua quickly lowered his steps and followed her into the room silently.

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