By the way, he is not just a holy alchemist, but a master of the three masters of the alchemy formation. Even if the latter two are suspected of being mysterious and trying to gain fame, they still have some attainments. His spiritual thoughts were probably more powerful than Gu Fenghua imagined.

Unless he was interrupted at the last and most critical moment of his breakthrough and promotion, how could he lose his mind? However, with Luo Enen, Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse, three strong men of the sixth level of Emperor Saint protecting him, who could disturb his mind?

"Seeing" the holy energy in Liu Sanjue's body became more and more chaotic, and even several meridians had begun to rupture. The surging holy energy destroyed the body and sprinkled a few bloody flowers on the holy robe. Gu Fenghua did not dare to think too much. He quickly took out the golden needle and stabbed him one after another.

Not long after, hundreds of golden needles were densely pricking various meridians and key points on his body.

"Buzz..." Gu Fenghua waved his left hand, and the holy energy poured in along with the golden needle, sealing Liu Sanjue's whole body's meridians, and at the same time suppressing the churning holy energy. Then he concentrated for a moment, and pointed another finger towards his eyebrow with his right hand. Go in time.

In this situation, the best way to save Liu Sanjue's life is to first dissipate his holy energy and then help him regain his consciousness. But in that case, his strength will definitely be greatly damaged. It is unclear whether he can maintain the cultivation level of the Emperor Saint, let alone break through and advance.

Gu Fenghua knew that Liu Sanjue had worked hard for so many years to finally achieve the level of Emperor Saint, and she would never be willing to accept such a result. Therefore, she could only use another method: suppressing the Holy Qi in his body. , while helping him regain his consciousness.

This method sounds good and has the best of both worlds, but it is actually extremely risky. You must know that the holy energy in Liu Sanjue's body is too chaotic at this time and cannot be suppressed forever. If she cannot help him regain his consciousness as quickly as possible, the meridians are likely to be shattered by the chaotic holy energy. At this time, it is not as simple as a big loss of cultivation, and it is even possible that the entire cultivation is completely ruined.

For someone like him who has gone through many hardships and finally succeeded in being promoted to Emperor Saint, such a result may be more cruel than death!

The white fingertips finally landed on Liu Sanjue's eyebrows, and Gu Fenghua's spiritual thoughts poured out. Liu Sanjue's wealth and life all depended on this finger. With her calmness and calmness, she was inevitably nervous at this moment. All her spiritual thoughts were concentrated to the extreme, and a crystal drop of sweat also appeared on the tip of her nose.

Sudden! Suddenly, a dazzling flame flashed across her fingertips, and followed her spiritual thoughts into Liu Sanjue's eyebrows.

Phoenix Divine Fire! Gu Fenghua was shocked.

Although the Phoenix Divine Fire can be sent and received from the heart, it is like her own innate magical power, but after all, she has just realized it not long ago, and she has not gotten used to its existence. At this time, she went all out and used it accidentally.

Although it is just a small fire, don't forget that this is the condensed Phoenix Demonic Pill. In a sense, it can also be said to be the essence of the Phoenix Power. If they fight head-on, Liu Sanjue may He could barely resist it, but the direct blast into his soul was more than he could bear.

Gu Fenghua's face turned pale, her mind was racing, and she wanted to withdraw the Phoenix Divine Fire as quickly as possible, but she was so close to Liu Sanjue, and that finger directly touched his forehead, how could she withdraw it in time.

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