My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4794 4794 It turns out to be them

It's over, all his good intentions ended up ruining his cultivation, and he didn't know if he could save his life? Gu Fenghua was annoyed and blamed himself.

At this moment, an extremely pure and agile aura, like the purest spring in the world, poured into Liu Sanjue's heart, and like clean ice and snow, it melted quickly. The entire world, and everything in the world, seems to be washed clean by this clear spring of ice and snow, leaving no trace of impurities or dirt.

This is... Gu Fenghua's eyes widened suddenly.

Time seemed to pause for a short time. Before Gu Fenghua could react, Liu Sanjue opened his eyes suddenly and looked at Gu Fenghua in disbelief. Although his eyes were full of surprise, they were extremely clear, and even had something similar to his. It is as clear as its age, just like a newborn baby.

Gu Fenghua was also stunned: Liu Sanjue regained consciousness so quickly.

I thought that even if I tried my best, it would take a lot of effort to help Liu Sanjue regain his consciousness. If he delayed for a long time, he would probably lose his cultivation. Who knew that he would wake up so quickly? And it’s more sober than ever.

It turns out that this Phoenix Divine Fire actually has such wonderful uses! Gu Fenghua almost cried with joy as he watched the Phoenix Divine Wind disappear in his fingers and return to his body again.

"Quick, continue to break through." Now is certainly not the time to cry. Gu Fenghua quickly retracted the golden needles and said to Liu Sanjue.

Liu Sanjue just woke up from a dream, quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and closed his eyes.

The churning holy energy returned to its previous calmness and circulated over and over again. His mind also entered the emptiness again - an unprecedented emptiness...

I don't know when, the Flying Boat was parked outside Yunjin City, but the spiritual energy from heaven and earth gathered from all directions, and spiritual clouds gathered above the flying boat.

"Hey, someone broke through!"

"I wonder who is so lucky?" The Saint Masters who were walking down the gangway stopped one after another and turned to look at the Duyun Feizhou behind them, saying either in surprise or envy.

Although this Yundu Feizhou is also equipped with spirit gathering formations, except for the VIP room where Gu Fenghua and others are, the spiritual energy in other rooms is much worse. It is not even as good as the secret cultivation realms of various sects, and it has never been It has only been more than two months since I set out. No matter how hard I practice, it is not easy to achieve a breakthrough and promotion.

How did they know that Liu Sanjue was in the VIP room specially prepared by the Yunhe Chamber of Commerce for your envoys? Not only was it full of spiritual energy, but every piece of furniture in it was a rare treasure in the world. It's not very good for cultivation. I don't know how much better it is than the secret cultivation realms of their major sects. Liu Sanjue cultivates in a place like this, and it is normal for him to achieve breakthroughs and promotions. It would be strange if his cultivation level does not improve at all.

"Someone has made a breakthrough!" In a room on the top floor of the flying boat, Zhu Tongguang looked at the spiritual clouds and said in surprise.

"It's a guest in the VIP room." said the maid behind him.

Although she didn't know about Zhu Tongguang's habit of cutting sleeves, she could tell that this young master was particularly attentive to the guests staying in the VIP room, so she also paid special attention to Gu Fenghua and others.

"It turns out it's them. I wonder if it's Xiao Seise?" Zhu Tongguang's eyes lit up, he held his chin in his hands and said dreamily.

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